Mike Bloomberg Spammed Me

A RANDOM CITIZEN just got this annoying Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE, also known as SPAM) apparently-from the campaign of Mike Bloomberg, by way of mrcampaign.com. Way to alienate voters, Mike!

Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 14:13:38 -0600 (MDT)
From: Mayor Mike Bloomberg ([email protected])
Reply-To: Mayor Mike Bloomberg ([email protected])
To: RANDOM CITIZEN ([email protected])
Subject: Securing Our Future


“I have spent the last four years working hard to earn your support. Together, we have accomplished so much: good jobs, safe streets, affordable housing, and most importantly, better schools for our kids. In every neighborhood in the City and among every community, we are bringing a brighter future to all New Yorkers.”

“Yada… etc… I hope you will take the opportunity to read this e-mail and explore the issues that matter to you.”

Mike Bloomberg”

CLARIFICATION: This spam it did NOT come to the public Daily Heights e-mail address, which gets mail from nearly every politician covering the area, some solicited, some unsolicited (the unsolicited ones were at least consciously sent to “media” outlets). Mike’s spam came to the personal address of a random citizen that’s already overwhelmed with spam, so the headers go like this:

Subject: Penis Growth Extreme
Subject: They laughed when I said I make $1500 a day
Subject: What is Viagra Soft Tabs?
Subject: Mike Bloomberg Securing our Future
Subject: $B$”$$$K-K$Fv(B
Subject: Send 200K Advertisements for Pennies

POLL: Does Michael Bloomberg Suck? [Prospect Heights Message Boards]

Bar Sepia: Book Launch Party Tonight

Underhill Represent!


Book launch party to celebrate the new paperback edition of “R&B (Rhythm & Business): The Political Economy of Black Music,” edited by NORMAN KELLEY, at Bar Sepia in Brooklyn (234 Underhill Ave, between St. John’s & Eastern Pkwy; 2 or 3 train to Eastern Pkwy/Bklyn Museum). Brief remarks by the editor; music, hors d’oeuvres, and drinks; cash bar. Rsvp to [email protected].

Discuss Bar Sepia: [Prospect Heights Message Boards]

Key Foods: Roach/Rat Sanctuary CANNED

From Dope on the Slope: “Kudos to Key Food for replacing the aromatic array of garbage bags that made the south side of Carroll Street [and 7th] a fly, rat and roach sanctuary with a fresh flower market.”

“Key Foods is a regional grocer, with several stores in Brooklyn. Does this new line of business make them a ‘daisy chain?'”


LINK: Block Beautification Award [Dope on the Slope]

Discuss: Park Slope Message Boards

TONIGHT: Flood Fundraiser at BEAST, Board Games at SODA

Two reasons to go to Vanderbilt Ave. tonight.

1. The people from BEAST posted in the Prospect Heights Message Boards about a fundraiser tonight at 9 PM “to raise money for those suffering in the Gulf States.” Admission is a $7 donation, which includes one raffle ticket (oops, looks like they changed it to $10). Music by L.P., Tara Lynne, and Mark the Pirate from New Orleans, who survived the flood (along with his accordian). Raffle includes items/services donated by these Vanderbilt Ave. businesses (and people in the neighborhood):

Bicycle Station
Fermented Grapes
The Forest Floor
Acme Pet Food
Music for Aardvarks
Artists Johnathan Frisk and Lawrence Quigley

Is there still time to donate goods or services? Not sure – check the thread for more info: FLOOD RELIEF FUNDRAISER AT BEAST (Link)

2. Also, a group of Daily Heights regulars are getting together to play Settlers of Catan, a board/strategy game that daniel says is “quick and easy” to learn. Read more in the Prospect Heights Message Boards.

By the way, this is a prelude to a regular game night will take place every Wednesday night at 6:30 at SODA (yes, adults playing games). Starts Wednesday, Sept. 21, so get out your Scrabble, Cribbage, Catan, Trivial Pursuit, Dominoes, Boggle, Pente…

All Talk, No Action on Daily Heights?

psbheader1.jpgMaybe Anonymous Guest was right…

quig goes on an unexpected tirade: “I went to the (77th Precinct Community Council) meeting. From what I could tell from DH happy hours etc.., it looks like I was the only DH person there.”

“I hope I’m wrong. If I’m not, this community is just a bunch of spineless whiners with good typing skills. Like I said before, if you don’t show up – shut up. If you can’t make time for stuff like this you have no right to bitch and moan.”

“As for the meeting itself, It came across as an infomercial (in the round) for BUILD. When DI O’Connell asked the crowd for their concerns I heard BUPKUS about Prospect Heights.” Read more…

LINK: 77th Precinct Community Meeting on 9/12 [Prospect Heights Message Boards]

I Saw Your VW Window Get Smashed (Waverly Pl.)

fogchiller writes: “If you own the green vw bus that had the window smashed mon night on waverly ave, i saw the guy (kid?) do it. Two bangs with his left elbow was all it took…”

“I opened my front door and yelled, ‘WHAT THE F#%K ARE YA DOIN!?!’ He then ran off (up the street in my direction, so, like the tough urbanite that i am, I squealed like a little girl, slammed the door shut, and threw the deadbolt)…”

Read more: Fort Greene/Clinton Hill Message Boards

Democratic primaries: today!


In case you missed all new signs up and the candidates leafletting at subway exits: the Democratic primaries are happening today, Tuesday, Sept 13. And round these parts, whoever wins the Democratic primary wins the race, which means that the real election happens not in November, but tomorrow.

If you voted in New York City last November and registered as a Democrat, you should be able to vote tomorrow between 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Find your polling place here.

If you aren’t registered yet, you can still register for the next election. See How to register to vote – this page has information about the two ways to register: either in person at the Board of Elections offices near Boro Hall, or in the mail.

There’s particular excitement about the Brooklyn District Attorney race. Here are some editorials from the
Village Voice and Daily Kos that explain why.

LINK: Find your polling place [NYC Elections Board]

THANKS for the info: Drinking Liberally NYC

Dean Street: Still "Street" Enough for Car Bombs

car fire.jpgThose of you lamenting the sanitized, homogenized, baby-pushing Prospect Heights: 2005 Edition can take solace in the fact that a car was torched and abandoned near the Newswalk condos on Dean Street on Friday night. See previous post for details. Many thanks to DAILY HEIGHTS regular-slash-supporter rogersma for pointing us to an incredible slideshow of the event posted by mac.com user kevpatrick:

LINK: Car Bomb – Car blew up outside my building Fri Sept 9th, 8pm. Torched and abandoned. The Good Old Days…. [kevpatrick on mac.com]

Still no word on what caused the fire (too lazy to pick up the phone, call the 77th Precinct and get yelled at for actually trying to get information on a crime that happened in my neighborhood), but BrooklynSwordStyle said, “rumor has it there was a woman in the car, and a guy ran up and threw something into it. The woman got out, and the car exploded.Jack said that soon after 9/11 (the original 9/11) someone blew up a car on Dean Street between Nevins Street and Third Avenue: “When I grew up near Coney Island, seeing burned out shells of cars was quite common… Many times cars that are stolen for joyrides are torched after the joyriders ditch it.”

Read the whole discussion: Prospect Heights Message Boards

A Car Just Blew Up

anonnewswalker writes: “A car just blew up, literally, on Dean Street in front of the Newswalk buiding. Does anyone know what happened? The cop have not caution taped the area and are treating it as no big deal! Has anything like this happened here before?”

NEVER FORGET: 9/11 Stoop Sale

Hughatoid stoop sale on Sunday from 10-6. 600 Park Place btwn Classon and Franklin. Everything from clothes to kitchen appliances and storage. All at bargain-basement prices. Come one, come all.

All proceeds will be donated to the APSCA’s charity drive for homeless
animal victims of Hurrican Katrina. Do your part.

Read more: Crown Heights Message Boards