DailySlope.com: Developers Ram Through Plans in South Slope

Today on DailySlope.com: “The Daily News reports that ‘as the clock ticks down on plans for a massive rezoning of south Park Slope, developers are scrambling to squeeze in controversial projects… ‘ – Advocates say developers routinely ignore stop-work orders, or pay the fines and keep building.

“Yeah, yeah, hurry up and give me the fine already… I’ve got a work crew on illegal overtime!”
Image from South Park Slope Blog.

Online Audiobook "Lending" from Brooklyn Public Library

Cool! Now you can use your multifunction “ABC” library card (with PIN) to download audiobooks and eBooks from digitalbooks.brooklynpubliclibrary.org.

You can download up to 15 titles at a time and read/listen to them on your computer or portable reading/listening devices. “Automatic returns after 14 days makes checking out a book stress-free.”

Strangely, you are not allowed to “return” some audiobooks early.

Discuss: Online Audiobook “Lending” from Brooklyn Public Library [Message Boards]

Mob Scene at Tom's Restaurant


Long discussion yesterday on Brownstoner about Tom’s Restaurant: “When we got to Sterling Place, we couldn’t help but notice the long line outside Tom’s Restaurant. We’ve never been there and are wondering what all the fuss is about. Maybe the Prospect Heights residents in the crowd can clue us in.”

Mob Scene at Tom’s [Brownstoner.com]

Read about the alleged Washington Ave. anti-Tom’s conspiracy in the Crown Heights Message Boards.

Source of BUILD's Wealth REVEALED? (For real this time?)

UPDATE: Daily News is now reporting that IRS records show a $5 million contribution from Forest City Ratner to BUILD. See below for a PDF of relevant pages.

Hoo boy… Sorry for the long lead-in, but this one needs some space. And if you’re an accountant or a “follow the money” type, you may be especially interested in bearing with us. We promise to bold the important parts so you can skim ahead.

The apparently non-profit group BUILD (Brooklyn United for Innovative Local Development) is clearly the biggest and loudest bunch of cheerleaders for the Forest City Ratner (FCR) Atlantic Yards Project, the multi-billion-dollar stadium/condo-skyscraper development that will bring the New Jersey Nets to Brooklyn, casting a long shadow over Prospect Heights and making developer Bruce Ratner even more obscenely wealthy than he already is.

Here in Prospect Heights, some stadium opponents suspect that BUILD is a mouthpiece front bankrolled by FCR. And it doesn’t help appearances to see somebody flaunt their stuff in front of BUILD’s likely-very-expensive storefront office on Vanderbilt Avenue. Lucas wrote this a while back on Daily Heights:

“let me throw out a point for the debate: The *brand-new* massive silver Cadillac that pulls up in front of BUILD each day… what better instrument to contrast the ‘extreme rates of poverty, unemployment and underclass entrapment’ in the surrounding neighborhood?”

(Previously, we joked that the real source of BUILD’s wealth is 65-cent color copies (see picture).)

Meanwhile, BUILD portrays itself as a scrappy, grass-roots, faith-based community group that champions the interests of the poor and downtrodden. In fact, they flat out deny financial support from Forest City Ratner on the BUILD website:

So naturally we were shocked to see this comment here on Daily Heights about a week ago (held and not published until now): “I have a copy of BUILD’s 501(c)(3)tax exemption application. In response to ‘what are or will be the organization’s sources of financial support? List in order of size.’ The response was ‘real estate developers, individual private contributions” in that order.”

Well, interesting… but even if it’s true, that doesn’t prove anything, does it?

The commenter continued: “In addition, on its form 1023 filing, it shows that President Caldwell receives annual compensation of $125,000 while CEO Marie Louis and Chief Administration Officer Shalawn Langhorne each receive annual salaries of $100,000. Not bad for a small not-for-profit. Maybe I’m in the wrong business.”


While we were mulling this over, we got the follow-up comment: “Lo and behold, question 12B on form 1023 lists ‘FOREST CITY RATNER COMPANIES’ as making a $5M contribution. I guess that mystery is solved.”

How could this possibly happen? It all seems so cut-and-dried. We’re talking public records here… if it’s in the public record, why on earth would they turn around and call it a “myth” that “BUILD is financially supported by Forest City Ratner”? Here’s a scan of some relevant pages [click for PDF] so you can judge it for yourself, sent in by Daniel Goldstein of Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn.

So… FCR and BUILD… care to explain yourselves?

READ REACTIONS FROM BUILD and FCR: Source of Build’s Wealth Revealed? [Prospect Heights Message Boards]

Ka-Ching! And the answer is…

Regarding today’s Prospect Heights manhunt, mc reports: “Okay, I’ve just gotten the scoop…. According to two sources, a man in an ’89 Honda nearly hit a police office on a motorcycle in Manhattan and sideswiped another vehicle and refused to stop…”

“He was chased by police officers from Manhattan, over the Brooklyn Bridge, and drove to Prospect Heights where he fled the car. One witness reported seeing him flee in flip-flops. He is ‘in the wind’ at this time.”

“The car remains on St. Johns between Washington & Underhill, where it is being dusted for prints at this time. No injuries have been reported.”

Carnivore (and others) react: “DUDE! They couldn’t catch a guy fleeing in flip-flops? That is pathetic!”

See post below for the highlights or go to the Prospect Heights Message Board to see the whole thing unfold.