qtrain Grand Master Joined: 06 Jul 2005 |
qtrain REPORTS:
Fire department was out in force investigating smoke on Vanderbilt, and found something smoldering in the back on the laundromat beside Met. Looks like no one was hurt. |
qtrain Grand Master Joined: 06 Jul 2005 |
qtrain REPORTS:
Fire department was out in force investigating smoke on Vanderbilt, and found something smoldering in the back on the laundromat beside Met. Looks like no one was hurt. |
Alecorock Regular REPORTS: |
Alecorock REPORTS:
The mini doc on the neighborhood has been released on Turnhere.com. |
(fast forward through a dispute over the fare…)
“…I told him that I’d NEVER been asked to pay upfront before and that I wasn’t appreciating his attitude at all. He said, ‘I’m not driving you anywhere unless you pay me first you NIGGER BITCH. In fact, get the FUCK OUT OF MY CAR. I won’t drive you anywhere. Take your boxes and get out.’ “
“This went on. And on … He pointed to a dog on the sidewalk and said that I was a lower form of life than the dog … That the ‘piece of shit’ building I live in (which happens to be a beautiful brownstone) is ‘nothing’ compared to the house that he and his family live in.”
“… By the time the second driver arrived, there was such a scene going on, with the driver screaming, ‘TAKE YOUR BOXES OUT OF MY CAR, YOU NIGGER SCUM,’ that a passing police van stopped and four officers got out to find out what the hell was going on …”
“The irony is that the driver in question is Egyptian. Never knew the Egyptians had a pathological hatred of their fellow Africans (I’m actually African as opposed to African American). The cops – who all looked Hispanic told the guy to chill out and said, ‘look, we’re ALL minorities here.’ The driver denied that he was a minority and said that he shouldn’t have to drive ‘people like me’ anywhere…”
What self-respecting frat boy would pound back the beers at a sports bar that invites patrons to “Come Share the Love” and “Enjoy the Happiness”? Here’s the new hand-painted sign up at P.K.’s Sports Bar/Restaurant, Ltd. on the corner of Washington and Park (former home of Utopia):
We’ll wait to hear back from pete_c, who in the Prospect Heights Message Boards announces his intentions to indulge in “Real Guy” activities:
“I’m not a huge fan of the big loud fratty sports bar — unless they have really, really good bar food, see O’Keefe’s over by the courthouse — but this week, my opinion must change.”
“Yes, it’s the first and second round of the NCAA Men’s IA Basketball Tournament. This event brings out the latent frat-boy sports-bar section of my personality … So, for the next few weeks – yay sports bar! Maybe I’ll stop in on my way back from Hedda Gabbler at BAM tomorrow night, for a little cultural dissonance.”
They’re right here, in the Prospect Heights Message Boards:
From the New York Times: “State law forbids developers to physically alter the site of any proposed project until it has been officially approved, but makes an exception for “emergency actions” to guard public safety.”
moufaisbad writes in the Prospect Heights Message Boards:
“this was on NY1 today.”
“I love that Ratner is trying to make it seem as if he is demolishing the buildings for ‘public safety.’ If that was actually the case and he was losing sleep over the poor endangered neighborhood, why didn’t he have them demolished last year, since he said that’s when the engineers told him that they were unsafe?”
PHOTO: Atlantic Yards-Related Demolition to Begin [Set Speed a.k.a. One Hanson Place]
“Coming home last Friday, I finally noticed that there are at least seven or eight cameras (or what looked like ceiling cams) that have been installed in the 7th avenue station. guess this means the token booth clearks may soon be history?”
Not sure if it’s elated, but according to EmilyM, there has been a strong police presence in the station recently (separate from the bag checks–on the platforms and in the station in the evening when there aren’t checks).
Hot on the heels of allegations that Brooklyn Industries is co-opting “bike culture”, selling poorly made clothes, and being really uncool about returns, we’ve got more comments from isadora, who reported Saturday in blog comments here on Daily Heights:
“Their winter jackets do not conform with necessary laws that require them to clearly state the type/amount of down. I think they are completely getting over of clueless hipsters who care more about brand than quality. It’s a shame.”
Maybe somebody from Brooklyn Industries can respond to these comments and clear up the confusion. The description of the Einstein Bomber (right) clearly states “50% down 50% feathers”. This is not enough info? Do we need to know where the down came from?
UPDATE on all the flickering lights, brownouts and explosions Friday at Lincoln and Underhill…
rockhound files an eyewitness report in the Prospect Heights Message Boards:
“Two major booms happened, then minor explosions followed. Thick black smoke poured from one of the holes. Two manholes were involved; it looks like one cover flew several feet through the air. Note damaged asphalt around hole.”
More from krs10a posted in blog comments below:
“I heard two loud explosions around 8:30. I called 911, and was told it was a ‘manhole fire’, and a fire engine was already on the scene.”
“A customer in Sabra (deli) said he saw a manhole cover shoot two stories into the air, but this is unconfirmed.”
“A super for a building on Lincoln Place said there was a car that was forced upward by the force of a manhole cover under it…”
Links to full-size photos in the Prospect Heights Message Boards
prospect place writes in the Prospect Heights Message Boards: “Check out this scary picture of what PH could look like post-Ratner:”
qtrain points out that this image is just a sneak peek of a whole group of images to be released next week on onNYTurf:
On Monday March 6, onNYTurf is going to launch a new Google Map of the Atlantic Yards area that journals the neighborhood, and a look at the future landscape if Ratner’s plan for the yards is built… The Atlantic Yards map will also kick off a week of releasing several new maps built with our new google map engine…”