PH Ladies: Chill with the Tight, Tapered Pants


Joined: 12 Jan 2006
Posts: 187
Location: Near the slowest cafe in New York.

I know the fashion has been addressed in other threads, but come on. Very few of you can pull them off. For most of you, it looks like you’ve got a turd in the back of your pants, hovering over two poultry getaway sticks. Seriously. This is one of the worst retro trends in years. At least back in the ’80s they were made to fit around a woman’s bottom. Granted, sometimes women (and men) had to squat over a steaming pot of water to get them on, and use pliers on the zippers, but still.

And you guys who think you look good in those nut-cutters… I’m speechless. Seriously, instead of being such fashion whores, wear what looks good on you, and above all, LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

Read all 68 replies in the Prospect Heights Message Boards

Bank Loans for Small Co-Ops?

RegularJoined: 07 Sep 2005
Posts: 113
Location: Prospect Place

I live in a coop and we need to renovate our brownstone facade. We don’t have an underlying mortgage, but we need to take out a loan. Has anyone else had to deal with this? What banks did you use, and what experience did you have?

I love living in a four unit coop, but so far we haven’t found a bank that knows how to deal with a small coop. To a bank, we’re just a tiny corporation with almost no income.

Coop Financing for Facade Renovation: read more in the Prospect Heights Message Boards

Key Food on Washington – nasTAY

“Anonymous Guest”

Joined: 31 Jul 2005
Posts: 461
Location: Bergen, represent!

So I just got home from Key Food, which I’ve been going to because the C-Town on Washington is pretty grody, and I’m pretty annoyed. I know they’re renovating and all, but they’ve got some major problems right now. First of all, be really careful in the back by the sandwich meats, because something’s leaking and causing a huge, slippery puddle back there, which I found out the hard way:

Lucky for them I’m not a litigious sort. I’m going to spare you the sight of the accompanying bruise on my left buttcheek. I also got my pants soaked in nasty-ass meat juice/shoe dirt water.

Also, the freezer isn’t working at all, so be wary of their frozen foods until they get it fixed (and, presumably, until any of the food that’s in there right now is all gone). I reached in and the air inside was downright muggy, and the package of “frozen” shrimp I picked up (and quickly put back down) felt like it was full of warm liver.

Gross. I’m calling FreshDirect next time.

Read more about Key Food on Washington – nasTAY in the Prospect Heights Message Boards

… and the Fairway reviews start rolling in!

“Way Too Incestial”
Joined: 14 Apr 2005
Posts: 2036
Location: St. Johns Pl and Underhill

Mrs. C and I just went (thanks for the ride, Armchair Warrior!). The selection is really good and the prices are a mixed bag- some amazing, like $5.99/lb for jumbo shrimp, some meh, like De Cecco pasta for $1.59 when you can get it for $1.39 from FreshDirect.

The place is kind of poorly laid out, so there’s no obvious path to take that will take you through every section. You really have to wander around.

fairway photo Originally uploaded by David Prince.

Also, the staff definitely doesn’t know about what they’re selling yet. Example- at the deli counter, I tried ordering Mortadella, but the woman had no idea what I was talking about. After several minutes, which involved her getting her supervisor, she pulled out a shriveled brown piece that looked like it had to have been sitting there longer than the place has been open. Needless to say, I didn’t want it.

Then I tried asking for Serrano ham and was met with a blank stare. “You mean Virginia ham?” I wound up not getting anything from the deli section. They also don’t have the giant walk-in meat cooler section like the Harlem store.Overall, a great place to have around, but much room for improvement.

Read more reviews of Fairway in the Brooklyn Message Boards

Even more reviews and commentary in the Park Slope Boards!

Bakery Coming to Vanderbilt Ave.

Minister of Propaganda
Joined: 08 Aug 2005
Posts: 1775
Location: washington ave. btwn sterling & st. johns

yes, indeed! vandy near park. there’s also a cute, round sign that sticks out, but it kept swinging in the wind, defying the treo camera. in any case, I anticipate something yummy or a short life.

there’s still paper and building permits up in the windows.
According to the website, this bakery will be opening “early summer”:

More from Carnivore: “Awesome! Hopefully the baked goods will be as nice as the design. looks like their hours will be 7-7 on weekdays.”

in other news, it seems half may reopen.

Find out more in the Prospect Heights Message Boards

Old Trolley Tracks on St. John's Pl.: Now Visible!

Joined: 25 Jul 2005
Posts: 21
Location: St. Johns/Nostrand

While crossing the incredibly unpaved St. Johns Pl (btn Rogers & Nostrand) I noticed the glint of buried trolley tracks. They’re still mostly under another layer of pavement, but they’re there. It’s pretty cool.

Go see it while you can… they may be paving it over very soon, according to posts in Where’s the f***ing asphalt on St Johns Pl? on the Prospect Heights Message Board.

Vanderbilt Products Building: Gone

vanderbilt products building
Originally uploaded by horseycraze.

Uploaded by horseycraze in the Prospect Heights Photo Pool:

“the lot of the former vanderbilt products building. to be replaced by a condominium.”

Photo pool founder Frank Lynch: “Gang, the Vanderbilt Products building is now kaput. Underberg is kaput.”

“Get those lenses out: we can be the preservationists of the memories of what this neighborhood was pre-Ratner.

NEWS FLASH: Major Owens Eats Bacon and Eggs at Tom's

Originally uploaded by jackreid20.

busterbunny, a message board newbie who swears up and down that he/she is not in any way affiliated with the Owens campaign, gushes about this “Tom’s Diner Treat”:

“I was honored to meet Congressman Major Owens, representing our district 11 for 24 years. He was having some bacon and eggs with his son Chris Owens who is running for Congress in November. It was kind of strange to see that sparkly Congressional pin, hearing them plan campaign events with Cindy Sheehan, and returning to session on Tuesday to vote on the Bird Flu Bill etc. All amidst the early morning bustle of Tom’s…”

“…It may seem that a US Representative is so far removed from local issues, that may be true but that one vote can make a difference on so many critical National issues, especially come Jan. 07 when hopefully Dems take back the House.”

Smokin’ Joe smarms: “it sure warms the cockles to see that an old pro like major owens, even as he is working hard to turn an elective democracy into a hereditary oligarchy, can still take the time to have some bacon and eggs at tom’s like the rest of us. probably even sits to shit too.”

ratnerville4ever retorts: “y’all pathetic. there is no better man or woman running in that race than chris owens … meet Chris, talk with him. then come back here and tell us what you think.”

busterbunny retorts: “jeez. so much angst. one should vote according to a candidates platform. i find it hard to believe that the owens family is some sort of oligarchy, holding court in prospect heights… if you can do a better job then run for congress.”

More political vitriol spewed in the Prospect Heights Message Boards