… about Forest City Ratner, Atlantic Yards, and critics of the project?
Crying Pit Bull on a Fire Escape: Potential Puppy Neglect Investigated
PICTURED: Happy pit puppy
(NOT the sad one in question)
OWNER: angel21_es
About that pit bull puppy left on a fire escape over at 416-418 St. Marks Ave (near Grand), that can be heard crying and yelping helplessly on any given weeknight–
Based on multiple tips posted on the Brooklyn Pets board, Leozoeypiper was able to (finally, after multiple calls) provide ASPCA with enough information to trigger an investigation:
“The ASPCA investigated 416 and 418 today… Unfortunately, they found two pitbulls and two owners and of course, no would would confess to keeping their puppy out on the fire escape. They are going to pursue it further if we can provide them with more information. Please PM me ASAP if you have more information that I can give to them (color of puppy, approximate age of puppy, dates you have seen the puppy out there, description of owner, etc.). Any information would be appreciated. I do want the owner of the puppy to know that we are watching.
If you have any additional info on the puppy (pictures of the dog on the fire escape would be especially helpful), post them on the Brooklyn Pets board or send a private message directly to Leozoeypiper through her profile page.
499 Dean Street: Don't Brick Me In!!
Newbie EricD posts on the Prospect Heights Message Board:
“Does anyone know what’s going on with the building across from the fire station on Dean St. btw 6th and Carlton? They started closing up all of the windows (except for one apartment) with cinderblocks a couple of days ago. It appears that they are trying to get the last tenant to vacate, but this seems to be a pretty extreme way to go about it. Yesterday, there was a sign hanging out of the occupied apartment saying something like, “I live here, don’t close me in!”
Rumors on the board are that the landlord is trying to clear all the tenants out and sell the building, according to Chris:
“… the last tenant — who has been there since the 60s — does not want to move… Word is her hot water was turned off as well. Its a pretty ugly scene, and I have to wonder whether the Fire Dept. might get involved, seeing as having all the windows bricked up looks like a firefighting nightmare…”
Update: Looks like the owner is trying to get $1.6 million for the 8-unit building… more details on the boards.
Update 2: “Friend of DH” Jotham Sederstrom wrote a great an article on this in the Daily News today (LINK: Her Brick Prison)
Paging Mr. Livanos… LINK: Bricked Up Windows on Dean Street [Prospect Heights Message Board]
Why Are Brooklyn Chain Stores So Miserable? Here's Why
No wonder mom-and-pop shops do so well in Prospect Heights and beyond. Nobody can stand to shop at the Brooklyn branches of megachains such as Target (terrible service) or Costco (crowds from hell, service to match)! How could something so simple go so wrong? escap writes on the Prospect Heights Message Board:
“I’ve noticed that the quality of chains in NYC is horrid compared to its quality elsewhere in America… My guess is that it’s due to a combination of a poorly qualified workforce that lacks a culture and understanding of what good service really is, and a consumer body that is similarly undemanding, and in fact can provoke bad service by its own rudeness.”
“In addition, b/c there are so few large discount stores like Target, the ones that do make it in have very little competition and are therefore able to get away with such terrible service.”
doctorj adds: “I think the cost of retail space per sqft is a significant factor; trying to fit all that inventory into a fraction of the space without raising prices substantially leads to an overcrowded and chaotic chainstore shopping environment, as well as pressure to cut costs by cutting the number of workers per shopper.”
“I’ve seen this again and again comparing inner city vs. semi-rural stores in different countries. The higher the population density, the less space and service per shopper at a given price point.”
More random retail insights on the Prospect Heights Message Board
THE ISLANDS (Pictured) Has a Twin
File under TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE: You all know about , the virtually hidden, hole in the wall Caribbean restaurant generally regarded to be one of the singular culinary experiences in Prospect Heights and Crown Heights (sorry, not giving away the address here – you’ll have to get it from a friend of a friend… you know, like those once-coveted Gmail invites).
Now, it seems that The Islands has a bit of competition from a former Islands chef (there was a split?? sorry to hear it) who’s set up shop as “Island Village,” a short block-and-a-half away from the original place.
HOW GOOD? This may be hyperbole, but compared to the original Islands, djuoh says that Island Village
It’s worth noting that this accolade came from a guy who has been a regular of the original Islands since they opened. He says the new spot just opened up at the intersection of Classon and Lincoln (on the North-East corner of Lincoln) and has a neon sign.
For more about The Islands and its CH doppelganger, check out , a post by Precious Williams on the (yeah, it’s all new to the PS people!)
Prospect Perk: Sold! Mary's Going Home
Muk reports on the :
“So, the rumor is true. Mary, Perk’s owner (pictured) introduced me to the new owner of Prospect Perk, who will be taking over the operation fully starting October 1.”
“Those of us that have had the pleasure and privilege of getting to know Mary over the last couple of years are going to miss her tremendously. She is the heart and soul of the northeast corner of Flatbush and Sterling.”
“So, make sure you say goodbye and wish her the best before 10/1.”
Tot Explosion in Prospect Heights
No… You’re not seeing things. We have evidence that, within the past year or so, the Park Slope stroller brigades have been stealthily sneaking across the Maginot Line Flatbush Ave., populating PH buildings and brownstones with alarming speed and efficiency. Sterling2000 reports on the Prospect Heights Message Board:
“When I moved into my 20-unit building 2 1/2 years ago there were only my two kids. Since then, two more have been born to building residents, three others have moved in and there are currently at least three more on their way soon.”
“So, by my three-year anniversary in PH next March, the tot population of my building alone will have increased by at least 400% while the adult demographics have remained the same.”
Read more about the Tot Invasion (and Corduroy Kid, the new PH store pictured above) on the Prospect Heights Message Board
The Big O on Bergen
An Open Letter to a Lady on Bergen between Underhill and Washington:
“I am writing to extend my sincere apology for interrupting your orgasm last night.”
“As I was walking past your street-level apartment, the sound coming through your open front window startled me momentarily, and my burst of laughter at realizing what I was hearing was spontaneous and apparently (given the immediate dead silence that followed it) not well-received. I didn’t in any way intend to ruin the mood as you got your freak on, and I feel bad about it if my cracking up did that. That’s why I blurted out ‘Sorry!’ as I moved on.”
“I also couldn’t tell for sure whether you were enjoying yourself alone, as the only moans I heard were yours. If you were indeed with one or more guests at the time, please do convey my most heartfelt apology to them as well.”
–apollonia666 apologizes on the Prospect Heights Message Boards
Flatbush Farm Kicks Plush Luscious Butt
Thanks to quijibo for the headline…. Everyone’s talking about it…. can they overcome semi-fugly signage and their cursed location (what was that “Bistroish” place again?) to completely take over PH mindshare?
YIN: Marden writes: “the beer and wine selection is fantastic. The munchies are even yummier still. The bartenders are super nice and I understand that they just hired a chef for the restaurant half. The menu isn’t going to be terribly elaborate. They’re going to focus on getting the basics down and right. Lots of organic, fresh, yummy-goodness.”
YANG(-ish): bojolais says: “Love the place but think the bar food is lacking. I like the artichoke dip but some of the dishes are a little wacky. I think they are trying too hard for the food to be unique. But I am happy to go just to drink cause it has such a nice vibe…”
View the barometer of local opinion on the Prospect Heights Message Board
"Chuck & Larry" w/Adam Sandler: Filming at Soda Bar
prospectplacer writes on the Prospect Heights Message Board regarding the film crews out on Vanderbilt Ave.:
“…So the movie is I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. I know this because the hand-lettered street signs say ‘C&L’ and the doors of the trailers on Washington Ave. are marked ‘Larry’ and ‘Chuck’ and ‘Chuck Double’ and ‘Chuck Stunt.’ ”
“If you see bursts of dark smoke rising into the sky, it’s just a Hollywood thing…”
Barnable found a short synopsis of the plot of the film, which doesn’t sound like it’s destined for the Anytown USA Mall Cineplex (though we are living in the post-Will & Grace era, so who knows):
“Widowed fireman Larry Ellensworth is best buddies with infamous womanizer Chuck Ford … a desperate Larry (is about to lose his pension benefits) … he and Chuck pretend to be a gay couple in order to unkink the paperwork … and when Chuck falls hard for Alex while pretending to be gay, he finds that being a fireman’s wife is no life at all…”
UPDATE: oops… looks like this Adam Sandler flick is destined for the Cineplex after all…
More comments on the filming (and film): Prospect Heights Message Board