Category Archives: Stoop Sale

Residents Flee Ratner Wrecking Ball; Pause to Hold Stoop Sale

475-Dean.jpgResidents of 475 Dean St. asked us to post this notice about a pre-emptive stoop sale before the entire building is evacuated: “The building (475 Dean) is actually in the Ratner footprint, so the sale is actually a purge/prep for the evacuation of the building in January.”

Believe in “Le Resistance” all you want — people are leaving, buildings are coming down, neighborhoods are going to be erased… it’s all becoming very real. Now. And it’s not Beijing. It’s the United States.


The lovely and doomed 475 Dean Street is holding a building-wide sidewalk sale this coming Sunday, from noon til sundown. Expect a huge array of random stuff, including clothes, furniture, music and obscure tchotchkes. At least one yellow toboggan will be on sale.
Dean Street between Atlantic and 6th Ave, just down the street from Freddy’s.

Discuss: 475 Dean is Dead

NEVER FORGET: 9/11 Stoop Sale

Hughatoid stoop sale on Sunday from 10-6. 600 Park Place btwn Classon and Franklin. Everything from clothes to kitchen appliances and storage. All at bargain-basement prices. Come one, come all.

All proceeds will be donated to the APSCA’s charity drive for homeless
animal victims of Hurrican Katrina. Do your part.

Read more: Crown Heights Message Boards

Sale/Swap/Free – Stuff within walking distance of you

1. Let everybody know about your stoop sale: email

2. What are people selling within walking distance of you? The feed below automatically picks up stuff for sale in Prospect Heights from Craigslist.

3. List an item for sale in Prospect Heights: If you upload an item for sale at Craigslist, it will end up at the top of this pile. No need to reinvent the wheel, eh?


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GIGS – Within walking distance of you

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STOOP SALES Saturday: Sterling btw Washington & Underhill

436 Sterling Place between Washington and Underhill; 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Lots of “like new” baby stuff:
– Fisher Price Baby Papasan (baby chair with soothing vibrations and melodies)
– My Brest Friend nursing pillow
– Doorway jumper
– Very cute and like-new clothes for 0-6 mo boy

Hundreds of comic books! 25 cents each or 5 for a dollar! Marvel, DC and independents!

Star Wars stuff! Including dozens of action figures, mint in packages for $6 each!

Plus: Toys, books, 35mm camera, camera bag, portable CD player, botanical prints, lighting, numerous household items and much, much more!

We need to clean house, and we’re right around the corner from Tom’s Diner!

Knick-Knacks AND Tchotchkes, in One Massive Stoop Sale, TOMORROW

Multi-Block Stoop Sale (Saturday, May 21st from 9am to 3pm)
Sterling Place (between Vanderbilt & Underhill and Butler Place)

Household Miscellaneous/Lps/
Appliances/Kitchen Goods/plants/

Add your stoop sale in the Comments or send a notice to

Let the Stoop Saling Begin [UPDATED]

cutie courtyard-tn.jpg
STOOP sale – Saturday, May 14th, 8am – 3pm
618 Pacific st. (btw Flatbush and 6th Ave.) – near Pacific/Atlantic stop.
Lots of ladies clothes, books, kitchen stuff, glassware, furniture, records and very fun miscellany.

Huge, multi-family stoop sale!!
Saturday, May 14, 10:00 am, at 315 St. John’s Pl. (btwn Plaza + Underhill)
Kids’ stuff, furnishings, books, clothing, toys, CDs, videos, housewares and more!


Thanks to Liz and Maura for the listings. Send your stoop sale info to

Stoop Sale: The Season Begins

izzy3.gifDAILY HEIGHTS is proud to announce its latest hare-brained, idiotic experiment in interactivity that is destined to fail miserably: A guide to stoop sales taking place PH/Park Slope this weekend. To maximize chances of failure, we are launching this feature prior to a weekend that will not inspire the planning of outdoor events or spontaneous afternoon strolls (Sat: Rain, hi 60°/lo 48°; Sun: Partly cloudy 59°/51°).

Without further ado, our first listing, from Karen C:

Stoop sale | 558 2nd St., btw 7th and 8th Aves.
Sat., May 7, 10-6 (Rain date: Sun, May 8th)
Designer clothes (many brand new!), CDs, DVDs, books, jewelry and more!

To participate in this debacle, e-mail details of your stoop sale to:

[PICTURED: Stoop Sitting.]

Sale/Swap/Free – Stuff within walking distance of you

1. If you’re having a stoop sale in Prospect Heights, let everybody know: email

2. Find out what people within walking distance of you are selling. The feed below automatically picks stuff for sale in Prospect Heights out of the craigslist listings. It updates automatically: if you upload an item for sale at craigslist, it will end up at the top of this pile.

NOTE: If you see no listings below, the Craigslist RSS feeds may be down… I’m working on a way around that. Check back soon.


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GIGS – Within walking distance of you

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