Category Archives: Politics

NEWS FLASH: Major Owens Eats Bacon and Eggs at Tom's

Originally uploaded by jackreid20.

busterbunny, a message board newbie who swears up and down that he/she is not in any way affiliated with the Owens campaign, gushes about this “Tom’s Diner Treat”:

“I was honored to meet Congressman Major Owens, representing our district 11 for 24 years. He was having some bacon and eggs with his son Chris Owens who is running for Congress in November. It was kind of strange to see that sparkly Congressional pin, hearing them plan campaign events with Cindy Sheehan, and returning to session on Tuesday to vote on the Bird Flu Bill etc. All amidst the early morning bustle of Tom’s…”

“…It may seem that a US Representative is so far removed from local issues, that may be true but that one vote can make a difference on so many critical National issues, especially come Jan. 07 when hopefully Dems take back the House.”

Smokin’ Joe smarms: “it sure warms the cockles to see that an old pro like major owens, even as he is working hard to turn an elective democracy into a hereditary oligarchy, can still take the time to have some bacon and eggs at tom’s like the rest of us. probably even sits to shit too.”

ratnerville4ever retorts: “y’all pathetic. there is no better man or woman running in that race than chris owens … meet Chris, talk with him. then come back here and tell us what you think.”

busterbunny retorts: “jeez. so much angst. one should vote according to a candidates platform. i find it hard to believe that the owens family is some sort of oligarchy, holding court in prospect heights… if you can do a better job then run for congress.”

More political vitriol spewed in the Prospect Heights Message Boards

File Under: Bad Ideas That Will Go Nowhere

From the Daily News: “In Brooklyn, Anthony Herbert is running for the Fort Green/Prospect Heights district currently represented by Tish James. Herbert, who also has the Conservative line, launched the Central Brooklyn Republican Club last week, with the avowed goal of luring black Dems across party lines. Given the fact that 90% of blacks vote Democratic, Herbert will be lucky to match Yablon’s 14% performance.”

Discuss: Prospect Heights Message Boards

Mike Bloomberg Spammed Me

A RANDOM CITIZEN just got this annoying Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE, also known as SPAM) apparently-from the campaign of Mike Bloomberg, by way of Way to alienate voters, Mike!

Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 14:13:38 -0600 (MDT)
From: Mayor Mike Bloomberg (
Reply-To: Mayor Mike Bloomberg (
Subject: Securing Our Future


“I have spent the last four years working hard to earn your support. Together, we have accomplished so much: good jobs, safe streets, affordable housing, and most importantly, better schools for our kids. In every neighborhood in the City and among every community, we are bringing a brighter future to all New Yorkers.”

“Yada… etc… I hope you will take the opportunity to read this e-mail and explore the issues that matter to you.”

Mike Bloomberg”

CLARIFICATION: This spam it did NOT come to the public Daily Heights e-mail address, which gets mail from nearly every politician covering the area, some solicited, some unsolicited (the unsolicited ones were at least consciously sent to “media” outlets). Mike’s spam came to the personal address of a random citizen that’s already overwhelmed with spam, so the headers go like this:

Subject: Penis Growth Extreme
Subject: They laughed when I said I make $1500 a day
Subject: What is Viagra Soft Tabs?
Subject: Mike Bloomberg Securing our Future
Subject: $B$”$$$K-K$Fv(B
Subject: Send 200K Advertisements for Pennies

POLL: Does Michael Bloomberg Suck? [Prospect Heights Message Boards]

Democratic primaries: today!


In case you missed all new signs up and the candidates leafletting at subway exits: the Democratic primaries are happening today, Tuesday, Sept 13. And round these parts, whoever wins the Democratic primary wins the race, which means that the real election happens not in November, but tomorrow.

If you voted in New York City last November and registered as a Democrat, you should be able to vote tomorrow between 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Find your polling place here.

If you aren’t registered yet, you can still register for the next election. See How to register to vote – this page has information about the two ways to register: either in person at the Board of Elections offices near Boro Hall, or in the mail.

There’s particular excitement about the Brooklyn District Attorney race. Here are some editorials from the
Village Voice and Daily Kos that explain why.

LINK: Find your polling place [NYC Elections Board]

THANKS for the info: Drinking Liberally NYC

DAILYHEIGHTS Expands Global Reach; Will Solve Problems for Food

district 35.jpgDAILYHEIGHTS is now serving as Moderator of the District 35 Community Gazette over at, a non-profit NYC news and policy website published by the Citizens Union Foundation of New York.

District 35 is shaped like a big boot, stretching from Metrotech and the Navy Yards, down through Prospect Heights, and out to Schenectady Ave. So Prospect Heights is in the heart of the district. Or heel? Actually, more like shin. Whatever.

The Community Gazettes are supposed to be like little local newspapers, created and read by people like you. Some of you have already discovered the site and posted there, but in case you haven’t, the Community Gazettes are “an effort at creating an online community for people who care about their own neighborhoods … we traffic in issues, and look to solve problems.

So, what’s bugging you? Go vent:

-Upload a photo.
-Repost an entire newspaper article. Verbatim. (They, uh, assure me that local newspapers are cool with this practice.)
-Create a “Fix It” report on a pothole, broken traffic light, graffiti, etc. and discover entirely new and interactive ways of being ignored.
-Post ideas, comments or “general gripes” in the Community Views section.
-Add links to community resources.
-More! (Too lazy to list the rest.)