Category Archives: Media

[woot!] Medusa Makes the 'News

Check it out! Medusa recently waxed nostaglic about the closing of the YWCA gym and pool in the Daily Heights message boards… and now her quote has been picked up by the Daily News: “It makes me a little sad as I learned how to swim in that pool and took gymnastics for many years in the gym … But the plan looks good, honorable and in keeping with their mission.”

Also, thanks to Daily News reporter ELIZABETH HAYS for properly attributing the quote to We are glad that we can serve as a resource for local media–particularly for the Daily News, which consistently has outstanding coverage of issues that affect Prospect Heights.

And yes, by complete coincidence (pinky swear), we happened to reference Elizabeth’s “Yummy Outdoor Getaways” article today (see post below about JRG Fashion Cafe).

YWCA Closes its Gym & Pool [mr underhill in Daily Heights Forums]
Budget Homes at the Y [New York Daily News]

Woot! Daily Heights in PoynterOnline

Woo woo, you guys are making history! Congratulations, “citizen journalists.” Last night, DH contributor Miranda G. alerted me to the article in PoynterOnline, and sure enough, Daily Heights just showed up in my Google News Alerts…

The Poynter Institute, a school for journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalists, has an article up called “The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism” [Steve Outing in PoynterOnline].

Daily Heights is situated at Layer 7 in Murrow’s Inferno (“7. The stand-alone citizen-journalism site: Unedited version”).

While we can’t promise you fame or riches, we can promise you this: what you write for Daily Heights will get read, partly because Google likes us and partly because we have an actual and substantial audience of local people that checks back regularly. Last Wednesday, for the first time, we had more than 1,000 unique visitors in a single day.

What do you want to write about?

Dalia from Newswalk: "We're Betting on Gehry to Keep Things Civilised"

27_01newswalk-brooklyn papers.jpgNewswalk resident Dalia Fahmy wrote Saturday in the Financial Times:

“… Since buying an apartment with my husband in Prospect Heights a few months ago, my only regret is that we didn’t move here sooner … Across the street from our building, architect Frank Gehry is designing a stadium…”

“…recently, gentrification has reached frightening heights, pushing property values up almost 50% in the past three years … Entire communities of lower-income minorities have been displaced, and long-time residents are increasingly resentful … Many sport trendy 1970s-style T-shirts that read ‘Develop, Don’t Destroy Brooklyn.'”

“… I can’t help but enjoy the gentrification. My husband and I briefly considered Dumbo before settling into the more accessible Prospect Heights, in a converted condo loft in [Newswalk]. Our new neighbourhood was (and still is) more affordable than others in Brooklyn because some buyers are scared off by the pending [Atlantic Yards project]. Residents of the one-family brownstones nearby worry about the congestion and sports bars the development will bring, and African-American homeowners on my street have draped posters in their windows in protest.”

“But my husband and I are betting on Gehry to keep things civilised. We still have access to coffee shops with internet access and customised lattes … a bigger and better choice of restaurants than [in the] Upper West Side, and buying gifts for friends is easy in one of Prospect Heights’ many artsy boutiques.”

Brooklyn bridges the property gap [Financial Times]
PHOTO: [Greg Mango for The Brooklyn Papers]

URGENT: Glamour Seeks Funny Guys with Body Insecurities

jo-jo the dog-faced boy.jpgLuz Redfrofu writes: “I’ve picked up this little gig with Glamour magazine where I help them dig up people to interview for various stories. Today their editors are looking for funny, quick-witted men in their 20s or 30s who are somewhat insecure about their body and are willing to discuss it. Only caveat: they can’t be writers, lawyers or actors.”

“Can you help? Are you willing to wax witty about your gut or hairy back? Or do you know someone who is? And haste would be most appreciated; they want me to round up four good guys by Monday.”

Send your leads to

IMAGE: Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy []

New STAY FREE! Magazine in the Usual Places

cover24.jpgGo pick up issue #24 of Stay Free!, the published-locally, thinking-globally magazine on “politics and perversions” of mass media and American culture. This is the first issue since the one with the “American Gentrifier” fake cover that got on the radar of virtually everyone in the Greater Prospect Heights Area (just ask around at the next “baby’s first birthday party”). It will be hard to top the “Local Bodegas Now Stocking Brie” issue, but publisher Carrie McLaren and crew (including Charles Star) did put together a brilliant send-up of “Ask your doctor about…” drug ads. Somehow Stay Free always manages to tread the line between stories of national interest and Brooklyn interest. How do they do it?

Issue #24 includes:

* Bill, the founder of flash mobs, looks back on his legacy
* How stadiums turn public money into corporate profit (interviews
with Andrew Zimbalist and Neil deMause)
* A brief history of McDonald’s commercials
* Restaurant reviews by Eugene Mirman
* The Federation of Black Cowboys
* Negativland’s Mark Hosler interviews a man who makes robots for
Christian theme parks
* Interview with Jeffrey Meikle, on the cultural history of plastic
* Carrie McLaren on the advertising and the idiot consumer (historically)
* Interview with Mark Peters, candidate for Brooklyn DA
* More

Pick up Stay Free! on Vanderbilt Ave. (Amorina, Half Wine Bar, Hibiscus, Housebroken, Le Gamin, Soda), Underhill Ave. (Bar Sepia), Washington Ave. (Cafe Shane, Ripple), Flatbush (Biscuit, Prospect Perk, Sugarcane) and Dean St. (Freddy’s).


pope dies nypost-tn.jpgLonging for another 9/11 “Moment of Unity”? Check out today’s coverage of Pope John Paul II’s death in the New York Post (Click here for larger image).

The Post was so struck by grief that they actually ran a picture of Hillary and Chelsea without any pejorative, belittling adjectival modifiers or snarky commentary (i.e. “Bitter, self-promoting harpy Hillary Clinton used the pope’s death as a photo-op today…”).

And what’s this? They did not crop U.N. chief Kofi Annan out of the picture. It would have been so easy to move that “mourning nun” layer a few hundred pixels closer to Rudy.

The love-fest lasts for an unprecedented 4 pages. Then the attacks on Kofi begin anew, starting with this editorial cartoon of astoundingly obvious premise dropped awkwardly in the middle of what is supposed to be this paper’s society/gossip section.

DAILYHEIGHTS Expands Global Reach; Will Solve Problems for Food

district 35.jpgDAILYHEIGHTS is now serving as Moderator of the District 35 Community Gazette over at, a non-profit NYC news and policy website published by the Citizens Union Foundation of New York.

District 35 is shaped like a big boot, stretching from Metrotech and the Navy Yards, down through Prospect Heights, and out to Schenectady Ave. So Prospect Heights is in the heart of the district. Or heel? Actually, more like shin. Whatever.

The Community Gazettes are supposed to be like little local newspapers, created and read by people like you. Some of you have already discovered the site and posted there, but in case you haven’t, the Community Gazettes are “an effort at creating an online community for people who care about their own neighborhoods … we traffic in issues, and look to solve problems.

So, what’s bugging you? Go vent:

-Upload a photo.
-Repost an entire newspaper article. Verbatim. (They, uh, assure me that local newspapers are cool with this practice.)
-Create a “Fix It” report on a pothole, broken traffic light, graffiti, etc. and discover entirely new and interactive ways of being ignored.
-Post ideas, comments or “general gripes” in the Community Views section.
-Add links to community resources.
-More! (Too lazy to list the rest.)

HOME HEATING OIL Puts Prospect Heights on Map

HHO-in-TONY.jpgThanks to Isa for pointing out that Vanderbilt Ave.’s own Home Heating Oil made the front cover of this month’s Time Out New York (bottom right corner of the cover–the most desirable of all newsstand real estate!).

Check out this excerpt from the article, which speaks of HHO in the most glowing of terms:

“Home heating deity François B (fittingly nominated for ‘Most Eligible Entrepreneur’ in this year’s Home Heating Stylez magazine World Heating Awards) is behind this affair, which is focused on heating the home in all of its glorious, warmth-drenched forms (vintage wood-burning stove, electric heat, and what he’s calling ‘outer-planetary’), but mostly oil. A glimpse into the subversive world of home heating, at a time when the rich tapestry that is ProHo needs it most.”

Prospect Heights Women: One Third are Overweight?

BETHANY JENKINS and HUGH SON report in the Daily News: The city Health Department reports that 1 in 3 women in Prospect Heights, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights, East New York and Brownsville are overweight; Brooklynwide, only 24% of women are overweight. However, the article fails to say how the Health Department defines “overweight,” and it’s not clear if “1 in 3” applies to those neighborhoods individually or collectively.

Bonus: It took not one but two writers to mess up the lead (as of 4:51 PM, subject/verb agreement error). But hey, Microsoft Word doesn’t give you one of those green squigglies when you type “Brooklyn woman are losing the battle of the bulge.”

ProHo 4-month-old Deprived of Conversational French, Jiujitsu Lessons

Baby_1Your neighbor Colleen checked in from her Prospect Heights kid bunker: "The Salon interview with the author of the new mommy book "Perfect Madness: Motherhood in an Age of Anxiety" irritated me so much I wrote them a letter:"

"When I think of my
grandmother, who raised nine children on a fireman’s salary — in the
days before disposable diapers! — I find it impossible to take the
whining of ‘Perfect Madness’ seriously."

"I am the mother of
a 4-month-old boy, and while we have not signed him up for lessons in
jiujitsu, conversational French or advanced beekeeping, we are having
an absolutely wonderful time. It can be done! — Colleen"