Category Archives: Film

HOLY CRAP: Star Wars (1977) SATURDAY PM in Long Meadow; Miniature Golf at the Bailey Fountain SUNDAY

triumph1.jpgEasternPkwy writes: Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz is bringing his annual bash to our doorsteps! “Brooklyn Best,” formerly known as Welcome Back to Brooklyn, will be held in and around Grand Army Plaza and Eastern Parkway. On Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5, our neighborhood will be packed with activity … A few highlights:


8:45 PM: fireworks shot from Mount Prospect Park – tranquilize your pets!
9:00: ‘Star Wars’ (1977) will be shown in the Long Meadow – the original is still the best!

Noon – 6:00 PM: Miniature Golf around the Bailey Fountain (at the GAP Arch)

PICTURED: RETURN OF THE DORKS. In what may be the funniest bit ever shown on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Triumph the Comic Insult Dog interviews Star Wars geeks outside a theater in Manhattan, waiting in line for the opening of Attack of the Clones. Triumph to Nerd Darth Vader: “Which one of these buttons calls your mother to come pick you up?” [VIDEO LINK, 17MB]

2005 Brooklyn Best [Complete Schedule]
Triumph Interviews Star Wars Geeks [Look at the Monkeys dot com]

PS. EasternPkwy continues: “We will set up tables on the Eastern Parkway Median Sunday afternoon … This is a fantastic opportunity for us to raise our profile in our quest to get the Eastern Parkway median renovated. So we are asking for volunteers to come out Sunday afternoon…”

Chaos in CroHo: "The Interpreter"

interpreter aftermath scene2-tn.jpgTaryn, who you may know as t-fal from the dailyheights forum, sent us pictures she took last summer after the bus explosion scene from The Interpreter (2005), which was shot on her block in Crown Heights:

“I missed the actual explosion because of work (such a loser), but I was able to capture the set crew painting soot onto the bus and street, and their efforts to make the scene look totally destroyed.”

“The next day, I shot photos of their filming of the ‘aftermath’ from my side windows. Also, they changed murals and the sign from The Black Lady Theater to read as “The Black Beauty Theater,” and the “Crown Heights Animal Clinic” (not pictured) was renamed “The Crown Heights Democratic Club.”
set crew shot4-tn.jpg

The Phantom Apartment Building on Prospect Place

303ProspectPl.jpgVia Susan: “On Saturday morning, there was nothing much on TV except for Ghost, so I watched it. At some point, Patrick Swayze tells Demi Moore (via Whoopi) that his killer is one Willie Lopez, 303 Prospect Place, Apt. 4D. … I walked up the block to find the address and came across a curious neighborhood mystery. There is no 303 Prospect Place…

Sam: I know the man who killed me … His name is Willie Lopez and I know where he lives … Write it down.

O.M.: I ain’t no damn secretary.

Sam: Just do it! God!

O.M.: He’s so testy. What is it you want me to write?

Sam: 303 Prospect Place Apartment 4D.

O.M.: 303 Prospect Place?

Sam: Yeah.

0.M.: It’s my neighborhood.

Sam: Molly, he’s got my wallet, he’s got my key and he was in here … Molly, you got to go to the police. It was a set up. I was murdered.


Willie Lopez lives here []
GHOOOOOST!!!!!!!! [CLT: Speech]

From Swastikas to Segregation

Swastika_to_jim_crow_pbsorgThanks to Roy for the tip…

Filmmakers Joel Sucher and Steven Fischler will be at Union Temple (17 Eastern Parkway, 718-638-7600) next Wednesday to show and discuss their 1-hour documentary: "FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW: Jewish Refugee Scholars in the American South."

This film "tells the previously untold story of the many German Jewish professors
who, expelled from their homeland by the Nazis, found new lives and
careers at all-Black colleges and universities in the South.

META tags at reveal that "The story of Black-Jewish relations in the United States is a long and complex one…. Jews were among those who worked to establish the NAACP in 1909. African-American newspapers were among the first in the U.S. to denounce Nazism…. FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW creates hope and reminds us of a time in U.S. history when the two communities came together."

DETAILS: Next Wednesday, March 9; 7 pm. Bring dessert or snacks. FREE. Reservations: or 718-638-7600.


Is it already that time of year again? Tamara the Friendly Bartender says Soda will host a big-screen Oscar party Sunday night. If Oscars, celebrity wine tastings, and tapas bar openings aren’t enough, you might want to check out DH’s garish but functional post-your-own-event calendar.

If Friday afternoon work avoidance is your plan, then go create some controversy in the forums. But don’t make me delete you.

Filmmakers: Get shown at Soda

Film_cameraman_1Stargirl writes: "I’m trying to help Soda coordinate this film night (it will probably be on a Tuesday night, beginning in mid-March) and am looking for interested parties to submit films to show (i.e. films you’ve made) – so… I’m looking for FILMMAKERS new and old to submit stuff … if anyone is an aspiring filmmaker (or knows of one) and would like to potentially get your stuff shown at Soda for the brand-spankin’ new Soda film night (movies should be in VHS or on DVD) you can contact me at" Maybe PHer Seith Mann can show one of his films?