Category Archives: Eastern Parkway

Police Parade!

In the Prospect Heights Message Boards:

billtron writes: “Hooray! Did anyone else catch the dozens of police cars heading up Eastern Parkway toward the arch flashing their lights (last night)? Parades are fun!”

snootyusher: “I was in a cab on the way home from the airport at about 9:45 PM, and it seems like this parade continued up Flatbush and made a left on Tillary towards the Brooklyn Bridge.”

Police Parade! in the Prospect Heights Message Boards!

Eastern Parkway Renovation: Who Pays? Who Benefits?

EPWAYPlan.jpgOne of the most unfathomable DOT decisions in recent Prospect Heights history — leaving aside for a moment the virtually useless and largely ornamental expansion of the “pedestrian island” where Flatbush Avenue meets Grand Army Plaza — is the decision to renovate a massive stretch of the Eastern Parkway median and yet somehow neglect the last few blocks from Brooklyn Museum up to Grand Army Plaza. That stretch, pretty much the public face of Prospect Heights to the millions of outsiders who come to visit the Museum, zoo, botanical garden and library.

As Robert Witherwax wrote: “Those of us who traverse this god-forsaken path every day, on foot, by wheel, or with paws, know that it is in DESPERATE need of repair between Washington and Plaza … the intersection at Washington is DANGEROUS, and that the median is a shameful welcome mat to put out for the millions of guests coming to our neighborhood, and our cultural institutions.”

EParkway3.jpgSo the money finally came through, and yesterday in front of the Brooklyn Museum, Mayor Bloomberg and Congressman Owens jointly announce their funding of the $5.9 million dollar project to renovate the Eastern Parkway median and the Washington Avenue/Eastern Parkway intersection.

This is good, right? If you don’t own a car, yes. We’ve heard that part of the plan involves taking away parking spots from Eastern Parkway, a move that could force more Prospect Heights residents to garage their cars in expensive and scarce lot space. [Update: This may be a scurrilous rumor… EasternPkwy reports: “The plan will actually ADD spots, on the eastern end of the block, since the currently zebra-striped area will become actual median (about 8 car lengths on both sides of the street). Still undetermined are the number and location of bus stops, and whether we will have loading/unloading zones at other points along the strip, which may mean no parking during the day…”]

Also, as Ben says: “I was disappointed to see that construction will not start until the fall of 2007 – 2 years from now – and will not be completed until 2009.”

While insiders say some parts of the project might begin and finish earlier than the 07-09 window, one can’t help but wonder why Bloomberg chose to make this announcement now, just 3 weeks before an election… FLUTE points out the need for time to design the project, do bidding and awarding of contracts, and so on: “A year for that is not entirely unlikely … But I do agree, the timing of the announcement is a bit suspect. I guess those are the benefits of being Mayor.”

Read more discussion: Prospect Heights Message Boards

Thousands Remain Unkilled in Aftermath of West Indian Day Parade


Originally uploaded by ranjit.

Ranjit sent DH a link to his West Indian Day Parade pics: “thought you might like ’em! sje and I went to the parade and totally didn’t get murdered…”

“We” didn’t get killed either! We went with Quig and Quiglet to check out the action, and tried some great chicken roti (sje was right!) and fried shrimp. Along the way we ran into Laura B, who was hanging out with a friend at a Daily Heights-recommended parade-watching site. Thanks for the recommendations, message board people.


At least 10 people shot in lead-up to parade

Violence blazed across Brooklyn during the traditional night of partying leading into Monday’s West Indian Day Parade as at least 10 people were shot, including one fatally, in a seven-hour span, police sources said… Newsday article]

"MURDER DAY PARADE": Will You Survive?

Items overheard on the Prospect Heights Message Boards about the West Indian-American Day Parade (Caribbean Day Parade), coming up this weekend (Labor Day weekend) on Eastern Parkway:

*NYPD have allegedly nicknamed it the “Murder Day Parade.”

*”Gun Play on the Parkway” was memorialized in Calypso songs of the 1970’s.

*Shootings and stabbings are commonplace, and most of it never makes the papers.

*It’s not a murder unless the victim dies.

*The last parade-related murder was in 2003, 2 years ago.

*In 1999, two 11-year-olds and an 18-year-old were crushed by vehicles involved in the caravan. In 2004, a 21-year-old woman got crushed but survived.

*Labor Day is the single biggest day of the year for trauma at the Kings County Hospital Emergency Department, beating out New Year’s Eve and Fourth of July.

*Many people have been going to the Caribbean Day Parade for years and have never had a problem with violence.

*Much of the violence is not random.

*It’s the only time you can ever find good corn on the cob in this damn city.

*The food is all incredible. Try the roti… Nothing like roti and a cold beer.

*It’s not the same since Giuliani banned alcohol sales (no more $1 Red Stripe truck).

*Some people bring rum punch in Gatorade bottles.

*Others like to bring a thermos full of rum to add to the pina coladas and other tropical drinks they sell.

*It’s scheduled to end at 5pm, but the fun (or madness, depending on your perspective) continues into the night.

*The website of the West Indian-American Day Carnival Association is

This post sponsored by the the Prospect Heights Chamber of Commerce.*

*Note: Not actually sponsored by the Prospect Heights Chamber of Commerce.

More chatter:
Lock your Doors [Prospect Heights Message Boards]
When’s that West Indian Day Parade? [Prospect Heights Message Boards]
The Labor Day Parade [Prospect Heights Message Boards]


A $4.7M Fix: From Where?

Eastern Parkway median

New York Daily News picks up the Eastern Parkway story:

“For years, a patch of ragged blocks along Eastern Parkway’s walkway has been crumbling so badly that Prospect Heights residents routinely trip into sinkholes. . . . Now a $4.7 million plan is being promised for repairs to those four blocks of the once-elegant walkway, with the hope that work will begin by the end of the year.”

The reporter neglects to mention who promised exactly what, and also where and when they promised it. What are they teaching kids in journalism school these days? However, they certainly did a good job of covering why.

The article closes on a trenchant quote from Daily Heights regular Robert Witherwax: “There is supposed to be a bike path . . . But no bikers dare ride on it because they’d break their neck.”

Anyone know the facts behind this story? Send in your leads:

LINK: A Stumbling Block [New York Daily News]

BACKSTORY: Will it Ever Get Fixed? [Daily Heights]

"Shameful" Eastern Parkway Median: Will it Ever Get Fixed?

eastern parkway median.jpgThis is just one obstacle on that treacherous stretch of pavement bisecting Eastern Parkway near the Brooklyn Museum. A few weeks ago, Robert Witherwax wrote: “Those of us who traverse this god-forsaken path every day, on foot, by wheel, or with paws, know that it is in DESPERATE need of repair between Washington and Plaza … the intersection at Washington is DANGEROUS, and that the median is a shameful welcome mat to put out for the millions of guests coming to our neighborhood, and our cultural institutions.”

Now Robert reports that representatives of the Eastern Parkway Cultural Row Neighborhood Association just met with the Brooklyn Delegation of the City Council to seek funding for the renovation of the Median between Washington Avenue and Plaza Street East: “We emphasized the need for a safe, accessable, and passable median; for improvements to the traffic flow at Washington and Eastern Parkway; for better access to the subway entrance; and for a space that acts as both a welcome mat for those visiting the institutions of the neighborhood, and a front stoop for the residents of the neighborhood.”

Now we wait on the Council – we will forward news of our budget allocation (if any!) as soon as we hear it … Thanks to everyone who came out … Here’s fingers crossed for Fiscal Year 2006!

To stay updated on the project, e-mail

Black Underground spins disco and funk at First Saturday dance party

March_djDJs from Brooklyn’s own Black Underground will "spin the disco and funk sounds
of the 1970s" at the First Saturday Dance Party, Brooklyn Museum, 9 to 11 p.m., Sat. March 5.

Full schedule:

5–7 p.m. Film: See award-winning short films by Brooklyn College students.

6–8 p.m. Music: Listen to cabaret music performed by musicians from the Brooklyn Philharmonic.

6:30– 8:30 p.m. Hands-On Art: Bead and decorate your own ancient Egyptian menat necklace.

7–8 p.m. Film: Short films from the archives of the Brooklyn International Film Festival.

7–8 p.m. Curator Talk: Visit the Luce Center for American Art with Linda Ferber.

8 p.m. Modern Voices: Museum Educator Leslie Klinger on Women’s History Month

9 p.m. Performance: Enjoy the Beautiful Hills of Brooklyn, a one-act play starring Joanna Merlin.

9–11 p.m. Dance Party: Dance to 1970s disco and funk spun by DJs from Brooklyn’s own Black Underground.

Brooklyn Museum First Saturday: Carnival and… Marilyn Monroe.

6-11 PM Saturday night. Go see the complete schedule. Bonus points if you can figure out why the combination Brazilian-Carnival-and-Marilyn-Monroe theme makes perfect sense. Highlights:

-DJ Greg Caz (Brazilian Beat Brooklyn) Brazilian Carnival music
Create a collaborative Brooklyn-themed collage
-Artist Dialogue: photographer David Michalek
-Traditional Afro-Brazilian music and dance, including capoeira.
avant-garde jazz trio Harriet Tubman + spoken-word
artist Sadiq
-Free Samba Lessons
-Brazilian dance party
-Marilyn Monroe
look-alike contest
-Screening: Marilyn Monroe in Seven Year Itch


Banner_laborday_2003Eastern Parkway is City’s Most Dangerous Road for Pedestrians

"Sprawling eight-lane Eastern Parkway has a higher rate of pedestrian
deaths and injuries than infamous Queens Blvd. – and the distinction of
having the deadliest intersection in the entire city."

"There were 25 people killed crossing the 3.9-mile length of Eastern
Parkway from 1995 to 2001, according to the latest figures available … Cars struck 609 pedestrians in that period."

"Pedestrians have only 16 seconds to cross the six lanes of Eastern
Parkway, which also has two service roads separated by two islands. The
speed limit – 30 mph – is routinely broken."

(Picture source: