Category Archives: Crime, Mischief, and Tomfoolery

Shooting Last Night on St. Johns

“Shooting between Franklin and Classon, about 10 minutes ago (approx 9:30 pm, Mon., Oct. 3). Five loud shots, followed by a car tearing down the street. A few minutes later, two ambulances came.”

“A lady on my part of the block came running out of her house, yelling ‘Where is my son!’ Apparently at least one person was shot.”

“A few minutes after the shooting, after the police were there, another car came tearing down the block and stopped right in front of my house. A guy jumped out of it, screaming ‘Get back in the crib, man!’ And was promptly, and vigorously, arrested.”

Any bets on whether or not this will make any kind of news tomorrow?

Find out:

Ka-Ching! And the answer is…

Regarding today’s Prospect Heights manhunt, mc reports: “Okay, I’ve just gotten the scoop…. According to two sources, a man in an ’89 Honda nearly hit a police office on a motorcycle in Manhattan and sideswiped another vehicle and refused to stop…”

“He was chased by police officers from Manhattan, over the Brooklyn Bridge, and drove to Prospect Heights where he fled the car. One witness reported seeing him flee in flip-flops. He is ‘in the wind’ at this time.”

“The car remains on St. Johns between Washington & Underhill, where it is being dusted for prints at this time. No injuries have been reported.”

Carnivore (and others) react: “DUDE! They couldn’t catch a guy fleeing in flip-flops? That is pathetic!”

See post below for the highlights or go to the Prospect Heights Message Board to see the whole thing unfold.

We Got Helicopters: Manhunt on St. John's Place!

20050501-8364 NYPD Helicopter.jpg4:52 PM: Anybody in the neighborhood right now can hear them circling around. There’s one stationary over about Washington Ave. and another that’s in a repeated circle. What’s the deal? Just heard a siren on the street as well.

UPDATE: Anonymous guest writes: “I was going in my building on the corner of St. John’s and Underhill just as 5 or 6 police cars (some unmarked) were pulling away from the corner. I asked a guy who was standing around and he said some guy took off up St. John’s (towards Washington) with many police in pursuit (not sure if it was on foot, or by vehicle). Have a feeling they have him cornered or something…”

UPDATE 5:13 PM, mc writes: “According to the police officer I spoke to: “They’re looking for one of the guys in that building (on St. Johns between Washington & Underhill, closer to Washington.)” He didn’t know if said guy was still inside or not. Another man asked him, “It’s not one of them terrorist is it?” He shook his head no.
There are 50 million police vehicles there and still more arriving. What fun! I’m gonna check to see if the “guy” is in the backyard.”

UPDATE 524PM: Photos from Carnivore:



kellyjelly writes: “A cop staked at the top of St. John’s said that a man they are looking for parked his car on the block … they suspect he’s still on the block, or at least in the area. I asked if I should be wary of walking the streets at the moment, and he said ‘I don’t know, we don’t know what kind of man he is until we find him.’

UPDATE 539PM: mc is back from the scene: “The cops aren’t giving up any info. They’re looking for some guy who did something. … Some “eyewitnesses” said they saw some guy take off. … There is a double-parked car that has the bejesus scrapped off of it. Could have been done by an emergencey vehicle or maybe the guy took off in a car and scraped it. … I assume this ‘guy’ is still on the loose cause there are still tons of police around.”

CARNIVORE: “One of the girls at the corner of Sterling and Underhill said a bunch of cops were charging up the stairs of her building with their guns drawn.”

MUTEFLUTE: “According to one fellow there, the police had earlier been charging down into basements with their rifles drawn.”

UPDATE: Some Guy Who Did Something, On the Loose on St. John’s Place??
Get updates here.

ALERT: Mugging Attempt Today at Eastern Parkway 2/3 Stop

eastern parkway

Originally uploaded by trevorbrklyn.

Heads up! daveb writes: “I had 5 young guys try and rob me in the stairwell of the Eastern Parkway 2/3 station at about 10 AM this morning. No one was around and they tried blocking me, but I took off out of the station and onto the street where there were people around and walking to the station, so they booked it out of there. I’m in no mood for mugging #2.”

10 AM? On a weekday??
Get the details here.

All Talk, No Action on Daily Heights?

psbheader1.jpgMaybe Anonymous Guest was right…

quig goes on an unexpected tirade: “I went to the (77th Precinct Community Council) meeting. From what I could tell from DH happy hours etc.., it looks like I was the only DH person there.”

“I hope I’m wrong. If I’m not, this community is just a bunch of spineless whiners with good typing skills. Like I said before, if you don’t show up – shut up. If you can’t make time for stuff like this you have no right to bitch and moan.”

“As for the meeting itself, It came across as an infomercial (in the round) for BUILD. When DI O’Connell asked the crowd for their concerns I heard BUPKUS about Prospect Heights.” Read more…

LINK: 77th Precinct Community Meeting on 9/12 [Prospect Heights Message Boards]

ROGUE'S GALLERY!: Beware The Prospect Heights Gas Siphoner

Now that gasoline is more expensive than gold, is anyone surprised that siphoning is making a comeback of 1974 proportions?

Rhodamine reports on the Prospect Heights Message Boards that his old Volvo was “running on vapors” after only two trips to Williamsburg (fie, you hipster!) and moving once for alternate side parking:

“So, I figured that either(1) anti-gasoline black matter exists in Williamsburg, or (2) someone in PH has been syphoning off my gas.”

“My fears were verified when I went to the AutoZone on Atlantic and picked up a $12 locking gas cap and the clerk asked me ‘Having problems with someone stealing your gas, too? I must have sold a hundred of those this week’…”

In a time-honored tradition, Daily Heights is offering $25 for a photo of the Prospect Heights Gas Siphoner in flagrante delicto. Camphones at the ready!

Read more…

TRUE CRIME: Not Even the Mail Carrier is Safe in Prospect Heights

What a week! On Monday we overheard that the neighborhood letter carrier got her bag stolen in broad daylight (missing any paychecks, people?). That same PH resident reported a Saturday night mugging, and an attempted break-in (smashing the glass door to the apartment building). Apparently the 77th Precinct police who showed up were less than eager to pursue the case, despite a camphone photo of the perpetrator.

Speaking of camphone photos… Remember that guy who allegedly was going around conning people out of $10 here and $20 there with a well-honed story about his car breaking down, and his mother in the hospital, and by the way I can get you tickets to the Letterman show? You may want to read this.

Finally, DH newbie ph-bklyn reports: “a guy who lives in my building (on Sterling btwn Washington and Underhill) was mugged on the front steps of our building last Sat nite at 10:30 pm (could be the same mugging reported above?). he was talking on his cell phone. two young men ran up the steps, one put him in a choke hold and put a sharp object in his back, the other man stood in front. They asked for money (which he gave them) and then they ripped the cell phone out of his hand and ran towards Washington Ave headed towards St. Johns. He called the police and filled out a report and looked at mug shots, but was not able to identify either man. The police told him this has been happening quite a bit in the neighborhood. They said that people talking on cell phones are being targeted for a couple of reasons, one, to get the cell phone, and two, people are easier to mug while talking on the phone because they are not paying attention. They mentioned that this is happening all over the city but particularly in our neighborhood.