Mrs. C and I just went (thanks for the ride, Armchair Warrior!). The selection is really good and the prices are a mixed bag- some amazing, like $5.99/lb for jumbo shrimp, some meh, like De Cecco pasta for $1.59 when you can get it for $1.39 from FreshDirect.
The place is kind of poorly laid out, so there’s no obvious path to take that will take you through every section. You really have to wander around.

fairway photo Originally uploaded by David Prince.
Also, the staff definitely doesn’t know about what they’re selling yet. Example- at the deli counter, I tried ordering Mortadella, but the woman had no idea what I was talking about. After several minutes, which involved her getting her supervisor, she pulled out a shriveled brown piece that looked like it had to have been sitting there longer than the place has been open. Needless to say, I didn’t want it.
Then I tried asking for Serrano ham and was met with a blank stare. “You mean Virginia ham?” I wound up not getting anything from the deli section. They also don’t have the giant walk-in meat cooler section like the Harlem store.Overall, a great place to have around, but much room for improvement.