Category Archives: Bars/Nightlife

Freddy's Bar to Have National Coverage — Update

knit.jpg As previously reported, The Jane Pauley Show visited Prospect Heights’ own Freddy’s Bar and Backroom last month to film Knit Night. Two weeks later, news hit that the show was canceled, and the debut of Freddy’s on national television was in jeopardy. However, although the show is ending production in mid-April, the knitting craft segment — “Creative Outlets” — made the cut and will air toward the end of April or beginning of May.

Knit Night organizer Tony Limuaco says, “The clip was about 30 seconds long at the taping, which is pretty long for a clip. It might get cut shorter, hopefully cropping out the receding hairline of a man from Guam, or possibly his gut…. So get your TIVO all set up and check the site for the air date…. As you show up at Knit Night this Sunday, March 20, walk in proudly knowing that Freddy’s has national coverage.”

See Dailyheights’ earlier post about this subject: “Knitting Is the New Bowling.”

Rentals and "Erotic Art Parties" in Prospect Heights (via Craigslist)

Discussion going on right now on the Craigslist NYC Housing Forum: “A couple friends of mine, and I, are currently looking for a new place starting may. We are all undergrad students with full time jobs, and in trying to decide on locations mutually feasible for our work and school (midtown/downtown work, NYU and Brooklyn College school) we’re growing more and more interested in the area of prospect heights/crown heights in brooklyn. Specifically, the area around the 2/3 and 4/5 trains. Does anyone know this area well, and have any advice? We’ve walked around there a few times at night and during rush hour to get a feel, it seems to be real block-by-block, but the shadiest parts we saw still didn’t seem that bad. Any advice/ideas/comments? …”

If that doesn’t catch your interest, then maybe you’ll want to go read about the Erotic Art Party for couples taking place in a 1600-square-foot loft “in or around Prospect Heights” later this month.

Sunny at Mooney's

kevin and brendan mooney-tn.jpgHere’s Kevin and Brendan Mooney standing in front of the pub (click photo to enlarge). I happened to be wearing my Mooney’s Pub T-shirt, so I stopped to say hello. The elder Mooney said he hoped this photo would help “sell papers,” and the younger asked if we would be interested in updating the Mooney’s website. That would be great, but I can’t find a Mooney’s website anywhere. Anybody?

Mooney’s Pub | 353 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn. 718-783-9085.

Beast Bar: First Impressions

Beast_by_heather_1Jose says he made it to the opening of Beast this past weekend: "The place is decked out fancy, with gargoyles, dragons and lions–oh my–scattered about as decorations. The space is big, with a back dining room and an open kitchen. The bar, however, is tiny: less than a foot deep. This means you have to spread out your book, food, paper, whatever. Not good."

Apparently the service left a bit to be desired ("First night jitters, I was told. Things would be ironed out") but the beer was free and the food was cheap (nothing over $13). "I got a lot of promises, too. Brunch. A bunch of beer on tap. Sidewalk cafe. Concerts. A liquor license by Thursday … It’s the wait-and-see game. I’m going back this weekend to see the progress."

Beast | 638 Bergen St. at Vanderbilt Ave.; 718-399-6855.


Is it already that time of year again? Tamara the Friendly Bartender says Soda will host a big-screen Oscar party Sunday night. If Oscars, celebrity wine tastings, and tapas bar openings aren’t enough, you might want to check out DH’s garish but functional post-your-own-event calendar.

If Friday afternoon work avoidance is your plan, then go create some controversy in the forums. But don’t make me delete you.

Filmmakers: Get shown at Soda

Film_cameraman_1Stargirl writes: "I’m trying to help Soda coordinate this film night (it will probably be on a Tuesday night, beginning in mid-March) and am looking for interested parties to submit films to show (i.e. films you’ve made) – so… I’m looking for FILMMAKERS new and old to submit stuff … if anyone is an aspiring filmmaker (or knows of one) and would like to potentially get your stuff shown at Soda for the brand-spankin’ new Soda film night (movies should be in VHS or on DVD) you can contact me at" Maybe PHer Seith Mann can show one of his films?

BREAKING: Development Gone Mad on Vanderbilt

All the new development around here is getting overwhelming… Staceyjoy has pumped her insider real estate contacts for the following information:

"we’re getting a bakery
on St. Marks and Vanderbilt
, in the building on the corner, the big
one that recently underwent a gut reno … I
know it’s not Blue Sky (from 5th Ave.), unfortunately. Also found out the Sweetpea Lounge, on the
corner of Dean and Vanderbilt, is due to open very soon … Very exciting, eh? Especially the bakery … BTW, Saturday marked the opening of Cato Photography right across the
street from me. The guy who owns it, John, is quite nice, and their
sign is lovely at night."

BILLIARDS: A Deadly Form of Baseball?

Freddys_foosballHeather writes: "The recent removal of pool tables from
Prospect Heights’ local bars has almost reached trend status. Soon after
Soda’s pool table vacated its premises a few weeks ago, Freddy’s bar also got rid of its pool table in The Backroom,
replacing it with a foosball table (see picture). Sources blame the
table’s dilapidated state for its disappearance. But also, “The people
didn’t want to play pool,” said Frank, the bar’s owner. In response
to the news that Soda ejected its own pool table reportedly due to bar
fights, Frank replied, “When you provide a game that has a baseball bat
attached to it, you want it out where the bartender can see it
— not back

New Lounge on Pacific?

One of the Joshes writes: "Walking down Vanderbilt Ave. yesterday and saw a new lounge/restaurant being
built on the corner of Pacific, across the street from Le Gamin. Also, new
boutique (Red Lipstick) right by the bike shop. Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to gentrification at the speed of light."

PS. "It’s not that ‘blue lounge’ or whatever that
place is that halted construction. It’s down on the corner of Pacific, right
before McD’s. I peeked my head in and peeped the permits:
restaurant/lounge/bar is in the mix."