Or, why all cell phones should be banned behind the wheel (Exhibit Z/umpteen)

At 2:15 Monday afternoon, on Prospect Place between Vanderbilt and Underhill, SCREEEEECH, BAM!!!! It sounded like two cars jockeying for position at top speed had collided – not surprising, given the awful tendency of vehicles in this neighborhood to drag-race down our double-wide blocks. Except in this case, actually only one car had been moving when the whole thing went down. The other vehicle was just parked, quietly and legally, on the street.
A VW Passat driven by a 30s-40s-ish woman in a suit, on her way to a meeting (possibly a court date), simply drifted, going at least 25MPH, into an Econoline van sitting idle on the right side of the street.
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