The NY Times goes on a date with Atlantic Yards architect Frank Gehry. Meanwhile, area residents wonder “Why is it crooked?” in the Daily News.
"’Why are the buildings crooked?’ asked Manfred Pastrano, 36, a real estate investor in Prospect Heights, when he saw the latest renderings of the project.
‘That looks like downtown Manhattan,’ said Frederick Nixon, 46, a Transit Authority employee who lives on nearby Vanderbilt Ave. ‘I don’t want to be anywhere near that.’
‘It looks great, but not in Brooklyn,’ agreed Joe Pastore, 61, who lives at 473 Dean St., which would be razed to become center court at the Nets arena, if Ratner has his way.
‘Brooklyn should be Brooklyn, and people should live there with no skyscrapers and office towers. This is a place where people live,’ Pastore said………
But some Brooklynites were impressed by the grand plans for reflecting pools, walkways and sleek high-rise towers that may include up to 7,300 apartments along Atlantic Ave.
“Wow, that’s nice,” said Alex Debranche, 30, who owns an ice cream company in Flatbush.
Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, one of the plan’s earliest and loudest cheerleaders, called the latest designs “exciting” and “awe-inspiring.”"
It is interesting that there are plastic slip covers draping some of the buildings- an homage to my Brooklyn grandmother? In any case, Ratner’s bid is expected today. [NY 1]