Author Archives: dailyheights

Return of the Vestibule Pushers: Forced Entry Attempt on St. Marks Place?

GMilner writes in the Prospect Heights Message Boards: “Last night, a man tried to force his way into my building by following a neighbor of mine. She managed to get the front door closed just in time…”

“The police took about 15 minutes to show up, and the guy was still in front of the door… for whatever reason the cops the cops let him go. They told us that he was barely coherent and that he had said something about how he worked in this building, so they got his address (or whatever address they gave him) and told him to go home.”

“Obviously, I’m annoyed at how they handled this. People should be careful in case he tries this again. Our building is on St. Marks between Underhill and Washington.”

This wasn’t the only incident: Prospect Heights Message Boards

$1.4 Million for a Playground?

Check out some of the big money being thrown around for jungle gyms these days…

1. The the budget for the teardown/rebuild of Underhill Playground (Underhill Ave. Btw Park and Prospect), underway after months (years?) of delay, is said to have a budget of $700,000. To be fair, that’s about what you’d pay for a floor-and-a-half of unremarkable PH brownstone these days. Yet at the same time, enough to feed an entire Peruvian village for 80 years and still have enough left over to buy half of them associate degrees at CUNY.

2. So now that we have some perspective, let’s take that number and double it, because that’s what the persistent Friends of Dean Playground have pulled down for their renovation project. Thanks, Mr. Boymelgreen. (Learn more about this on Thurs., Dec. 1 from 7:30-9:00 pm at the meeting of the DEAN STREET BLOCK ASSOCIATION, to be held at Iglesia Evangelical Latina, 506 Bergen Street.)

So what’s a Prospect Heights parent to do while waiting for the seeds of playground gentrification to bear fruit? You could check out Mount Prospect Park, a short trek across Eastern Parkway, where on any given weekday afternoon you’ll find a relatively new and fairly elaborate toddler habitrail supervised by a gaggle of Caribbean babysitters (along with some mommies and the occasional stay-at-home dad).

Prospect Heights Message Boards

Caught in the Act


Originally uploaded by urbanstrategist.

This was a really puzzling anagram in the Flatbush Pavilion series and it’s still causing us some consternation. Certainly not as amusing as “Elvis Lives” b/w that thing about the new fan running away grinning… uh… somebody remind us what it said, please?

So is this one of the Mooney’s Crew, or the lone gunman father-of-two from Park Slope?

Thanks to urbanstrategist for adding this to the Prospect Heights Photo Pool.

Mr. Sparkles Must Die

Photo: Mr. Sparkle T-shirt Originally uploaded by Vaguely Artistic.
t-fal writes in the Crown Heights Message Boards: “There’s this guy who lurks about my block… I call him Mister Sparkles due to his rather impressive fronts that would make Flavor Flav green with envy … He is the sole and driving reason behind the deterioration of the once lovely quality of life on my block. “
“… He struts around like one of those grumpy commentators on the Muppets, giving shit to anyone and everyone who happens to pass by … he accused my boyfriend and I of being undercover cops … and now he’s got a cheering section of fourteen year old boys, the bastard.”
“There’s nothing worse than fourteen year old boys. He and his youth crew are outside my bedroom window nearly every night, including right now, serenading me with gunshots, random imitations of dogs barking, absurd proclamations about god.knows.what.”
“He starts incredibly loud fights with random people who happen to be passing by, at 4 am, and then follows them down the block creating a climate of fear and intimidation when once there was none.”
“My block used to be so live and let live! What happened? … It’s obvious: mister sparkles must die. But is he really worth going to prison for? Sadly, no. So therefore I suffer.”

Mister Sparkles Must Die: Crown Heights Message Boards

How Much Development is Going on in Prospect Heights?

danaeo asked: “I am trying to ascertain how many other developments are in the works in Prospect Heights (which might add additional units). I thought I’d turn to the dailyheights experts on neighborhood development…”

Answer: A lot. On the Prospect Heights Message Boards, jml posted this quick list, “based on my experiences as I drive around looking for parking”:

The Washington, 35 Washington ave – 11 units
35 Underhill Ave., 39 units (same building?)
Dean between Washington and Underhill
Something is going on on St. Marks between Underhill and Washington
Park Place between Carlton and Vanderbilt
Richard Meier building on Plaza
Sterling between Classon and Washington
Washington between St. Marks and Bergen
Washington between Bergen and Dean
The new 3-story buildings along Underhill and running down Dean

More on new developments: Prospect Heights Message Boards
Current condo development in Brooklyn: The Real Deal [PDF]
Real Estate Message Boards: Wired New York Forums

Spidey in Crown Heights

Grey took this photo outside his building on Grand Ave. between Bergen and St. Marks: “There’s a toy warehouse across the street, the same building where ‘Grand Space’ is located … hope you enjoy!”


Is Richard Dreyfuss a Jerk? Playful? A Playful Jerk?

dreyfuss2.jpgdevincf, a semi-occasional-regular-of-late on the Daily Heights Message Boards, reports on his difficult interview with Richard Dreyfuss on the set of Poseidon, a remake of The Poseidon Adventure. The interview ends with Dreyfuss punching him (playfully? hard?) in the chest:

Devin: So I understand that you retired from films in 2004. What brought you back?

Dreyfuss: Money.

Devin: OK. But what was it about Poseidon in particular that really got your interest?

Dreyfuss: The money they offered.

Devin: Tell me again who you’re playing.

Dreyfuss: Nelson.

Devin: Nelson Reilly?

Dreyfuss: Who?

Devin: Charles Nelson Reilly.

Dreyfuss: Just Nelson. We just call him Nelson. As we call Achilles. Achilles… Nelson.

Devin: About two weeks ago they did a screening of Close Encounters out at Devil’s Tower.

Dreyfuss: Outside?

Devin: Yeah.

Dreyfuss: That would be cool.

Devin: Do you ever revisit your films from the 70s?

Dreyfuss: Regularly. Yearly. I carry these Richard Dreyfuss itineraries, for these three day train rides. We go on the Richard Dreyfuss Memorial Tour – this is where American Graffiti was shot, this is where Tin Men was shot.

devincf narrates: “Dreyfuss builds up to the punch. He gets an iced coffee, and after taking a sip he throws some of the ice at me. He immediately follows that up by splashing the coffee itself in my face.

Devin: That was pretty tasty.

Dreyfuss: It’s taken them sixty something days to get it right.

Dreyfuss takes a small “This is for CHUD, right? This is CHUD. It’s not like for the Nobel Prize.

Tiffany, defincf’s official Warner Bros. liaison, attempts to spin it: “You’ll make sure people know he was being funny?” she asks.

Read the rest of this painful exchange and devincf’s attempt to turn it into an article at



Originally uploaded by

lovemynabe writes in the Prospect Heights Message Boards: “I’d guess within the next five years Prospect Heights will be fully gentrified. It’s inevitable. Gentrification is good for any neighborhood because it brings new people, investment and energy into an area – it gives the neighborhood life. The question is will we local residents be those investors, or will we allow outside investors to seize the opportunities that are literally lying at our feet?”

EasternPkwy adds: “More so on Wash than on Vandy, the size of the available retail space is a hindrance. It is very reminiscent of 5th Ave in this quality: small, narrow, deep spaces that require a great deal of commitment from the consumer to penetrate from the street front. Not enough square footage to either display merchandise or provide seating. Plus the hill actually cuts into windowshopping, believe it or not – can you think of any NYC shopping districts that have big height changes in them?”

All this and more: Prospect Heights Message Boards