Noise Blamed on Old, Young, Whites, Blacks, Gentrifiers, Locals, Buppies, Bohos, and Woman on Methadone

Who heard all that commotion on Washington Ave. this past weekend, trailing on to the wee hours of the morning?

RBG REPORTS:   “I was at that party on Saturday night and it was OFF THE HOOK! We danced till about 3am. That said, I was struck by the incredible mix of people at the party–for the first time in a very long time, I was able to say that I was at a MIXED party. Basically, it was an afterparty for First Saturdays at the museum and the music was an incredible mix of hip-hop and house. Lots of white folks, plenty of brothas with hoodies and Hennessy, one woman who looked like she was methadone (and having a good time), Buppies, Yuppies, Bohos…”

“The guy I was with said, “The only bad thing about this party is they’re not searching people at the door.” And then he asked, “Am I wrong for thinking that?” The backstory is he’d been shot a few times in East NY years ago and was probably suffering some type of PTSD. We both thought the mixed crowed was interesting. There were even older people there (in their 50’s)… ”

“So, the blame for Saturday’s noise at Ripple can be blamed on EVERYONE…old people and new, young and old, black and white.”

We all know / people are the same where-ever you go… / particularly so / on the Prospect Heights Message Board