Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn To Request Finder’s Fee From MTA
Community Group Seeks $6.0008 Million for Raising Ratner Bid
“Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn (DDDB) … will seek a finder’s fee from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority for the group’s efforts which led to the $50 million increase of Ratner’s low-ball offer.”
“‘We got the MTA $50 million more than they would have gotten without us,’ said DDDB spokesman Daniel Goldstein. ‘At a 12% finder’s fee that comes out to $6 million. Plus it cost us around $800 in printing and mailing to alert developers to the property sale, which the MTA didn’t really do. That comes out to $6.0008 million, which we would accept in cash or check.”
“We know that may sound like a lot of money, but its not much less than Bruce Ratner’s $10 million down payment for the Vanderbilt Yard.'”