Dean Street: Still "Street" Enough for Car Bombs

car fire.jpgThose of you lamenting the sanitized, homogenized, baby-pushing Prospect Heights: 2005 Edition can take solace in the fact that a car was torched and abandoned near the Newswalk condos on Dean Street on Friday night. See previous post for details. Many thanks to DAILY HEIGHTS regular-slash-supporter rogersma for pointing us to an incredible slideshow of the event posted by user kevpatrick:

LINK: Car Bomb – Car blew up outside my building Fri Sept 9th, 8pm. Torched and abandoned. The Good Old Days…. [kevpatrick on]

Still no word on what caused the fire (too lazy to pick up the phone, call the 77th Precinct and get yelled at for actually trying to get information on a crime that happened in my neighborhood), but BrooklynSwordStyle said, “rumor has it there was a woman in the car, and a guy ran up and threw something into it. The woman got out, and the car exploded.Jack said that soon after 9/11 (the original 9/11) someone blew up a car on Dean Street between Nevins Street and Third Avenue: “When I grew up near Coney Island, seeing burned out shells of cars was quite common… Many times cars that are stolen for joyrides are torched after the joyriders ditch it.”

Read the whole discussion: Prospect Heights Message Boards

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