FLATBUSH BBQ SAGA: Hardware King Decries "Slum Lord" Story as "Outright Lie"

Exclusive! Where to begin? How about June 25, when sje shocked us all with the news that Flatbush BBQ joint Mama Duke’s was shutting down. An anonymous Guest poster then suggested that the owners might be looking to reopen on Vanderbilt Ave., and stated, quite provocatively, a completely unsubstantiated rumor that “The reason they are leaving is because that predator/slum lord Pintchick raised their rent from 5k to 7k.”

Now, in the “Flatbush BBQ Scene in Crisis” thread, Matthew Pintchik himself advances the story:

“For the record, during the month of June 2005, Mrs. Janice Combs asked PINTCHIK if we would permit her to break her lease at the restaurant. The lease was not up until February of 2006 ! Quite frankly we were dissapointed that she wanted to close … At NO time was there ever a discussion about a lease renewal …”

“When a reporter recently visited our office from a local paper [hmm… wonder where they got the lead? 🙂 -ed.], she verified the facts. The reporter explained that since Mrs. Combs closed the restaurant for reasons not relating to the rent or her landlord, there probably would not be a story written. Too bad ! I would have enjoyed having the facts published. I felt that since this posting was an outright lie I would respond. “It’s sad that some people have nothing to do but make up garbage.”

[We called Pintchik and talked to Matthew – he confirmed it was in fact him who posted these comments to Daily Heights.]


Flatbush BBQ Scene in Crisis [Daily Heights]