URGENT: Glamour Seeks Funny Guys with Body Insecurities

jo-jo the dog-faced boy.jpgLuz Redfrofu writes: “I’ve picked up this little gig with Glamour magazine where I help them dig up people to interview for various stories. Today their editors are looking for funny, quick-witted men in their 20s or 30s who are somewhat insecure about their body and are willing to discuss it. Only caveat: they can’t be writers, lawyers or actors.”

“Can you help? Are you willing to wax witty about your gut or hairy back? Or do you know someone who is? And haste would be most appreciated; they want me to round up four good guys by Monday.”

Send your leads to whatsnew@dailyheights.com.

IMAGE: Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy [StrangeCosmos.com]

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