About time for another Prospect Heights Cutie, wouldn’t you say?
“This is me and Danny Boy,” KRISTEN writes. “Doesn’t everyone have a pet penguin?”
Danny Boy is a Megellanic penguin that we took care of at the Prospect Park Zoo for a while because the aquatic aviary at the Bronx Zoo collapsed after a snowstorm … Not sure how he got his name, but he was very attached to humans. He tried to court me by bringing me nesting material (sticks, etc.). All guys should be so nice.”
SEND IN YOUR CUTIES! [email protected]
I think in human terms $$$$ is nesting material
So is he still an apartment penguin? Where did he sleep? Did he get walked? I have to know.
is this normal behavior for penguins who know humans? i love it? did she marry him like he asked?
He was never an apartment penguin (that would just be wrong!)The picture was taken at a zoo. He had plenty of space to walk and swim.
To answer the other question, I would have married him had I been of his species. As it is, I’m still looking.