Multi-Block Stoop Sale (Saturday, May 21st from 9am to 3pm)
Sterling Place (between Vanderbilt & Underhill and Butler Place)
Household Miscellaneous/Lps/
Appliances/Kitchen Goods/plants/
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I’m so surprised that so many New Yorkers have stoop sales. I grew up down South and was always taught that you should donate things to the Goodwill (which helps the community by offering job training and placement) rather than having yard sales that usually earn minimal amounts of money anyway.
what about GEE-GAWS? doesn’t anyone have any gee-gaws?
You know Dee dee, I never thought of that. Stoop sales are fun, that’s the only reason I can think of, but yeah most of the crap people sell I would be embarassed to try to give away.
This was a great sale, btw. I got a sleek red vintage Danish stapler for two dollars. I also saw someone trying to sell the exact same videotapes I had tried to sell at my last stoop sale (but ended up putting on the curb). In turn, I had found the tapes in a cardboard box near Vanderbilt and Sterling (thanks, HBO Productions employee getting rid of your stash of Sopranos tapes).