Underhill Stacey writes: “These are my two ProHo cuties. Brandon is 9 years old, and the world’s best son. And this is a picture of him with his kitten, Sonic. Sonic does not seem to know that he is a cat. He loves to play with Brandon’s Game Boy, and gets annoyed if Brandon does not let him lay in front of him and watch.”
Q. Why is Brandon the World’s Best Son? And does he have a coffee mug to prove it? “He is the world’s best son because he thinks I am the best mom ever … he thinks I am way cool … And because he tells everyone his mom is 25 years old.”
Cuties in the Queue! Keep on compulsively reloading Daily Heights … On deck, we’ve got a penguin (!) and a cat that sits like a human. Where is your cutie? Send to cuties@dailyheights.com.