RPS: Rock, Paper, Scissors – Practice Round – TONIGHT

rpshands-sm.jpgI know what you’re thinking – “How can I possibly compete in Atlantic Yards Smackdown: The Dailyheights.com Rock Paper Scissors Pro-Am Invitational on May 26 at Freddy’s when my RPS skills are so rusty? I haven’t trained all winter!”

Good news! TONIGHT at around 9:30 PM, a group of SMACKDOWN competitors will be gathering at an undisclosed location in Prospect Heights for a Pre-AYS Strategy Meeting. RPS will be thrown, and small quantities of money will be wagered (and large quantities of beer will be consumed).

We don’t have the location nailed down quite yet, so to get on the notification list for this (and other) pre-Smackdown trials, e-mail whatsnew@dailyheights.com.

Notice: This work is licensed under a BY-NC-SA. Permalink: RPS: Rock, Paper, Scissors – Practice Round – TONIGHT