Rock Paper Scissors: Bring It On (Quickly)!

Urbanus-tn.jpgWere you thinking about competing in (DAILY HEIGHTS presents the) ATLANTIC YARDS SMACKDOWN: THE ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS PRO-AM INVITATIONAL on Thursday, May 26th at Freddy’s on Dean St.?

If so, you may want to reserve your spot now! Twelve of the 32 spots have already been taken. If there is overwhelming interest, we may add a second round of 32 (or do a round of 64 with a $400 first prize), but for now, if you hesitate, you may lose your chance to make RPS history! Visit the official blog of the New York Rock Paper Scissors Association ( for details, or simply e-mail with “SIGN ME UP!” in the Subject line.

PICTURED: Daily Heights is pleased to confirm that international RPS champion C. Urbanus, accompanied by RPS trainer Lauren H., will be competing in ATLANTIC YARDS SMACKDOWN. “This is excellent news,” Urbanus said after receiving word that his pre-registration had been accepted and approved. “I don’t miss a tournament if I can at all help it. The limited size intrigues and excites me.”

C. Urbanus is inventor of the “Urbanus Defense,” a risky gambit in which a player intentionally loses the first throw of a match in order to (1) give the opponent a false sense of security and (2) gain insight into the opponent’s throwing style.

Urbanus will also be featured in the DVD Playing RPS to Win: Secrets of the Masters. In this video excerpt, he explains Pro Tip #75, Sicilian Reasoning:

“(Sicilian Reasoning) has a lot to do with how much they know about you, and how much you know about them. If they know you’re apt to lead with rock, they’re gonna throw paper. So if you know that they know that you’re gonna throw rock and they’re gonna throw paper, you can throw scissors. But then you have the other thing going, where they could know that you know that they know that you know. And then you just have to play it by ear.”

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