As a social experiment, everyone should start using the term “ProHo” in front of people who aren’t familiar with DAILY HEIGHTS, just to see how far the usage gets. When people question you about what it means, just shrug and say, “Prospect Heights, duh,” as if it’s the most normal thing in the world to say, and why would you even be asking me such a question.
Does the use of ProHo induce nausea and inspire gentrification? Here is a lively discussion on these questions, which you may want to check out if you’re bored at work and wondering when the hell today’s DH updates are coming.
anyway, Marty M. believes that ProHo is not even a residential neighborhood, so he says, so not only is ProHo no good but ProHo doesn’t even exist!
what exactly is proho, if not a residential neighborhood? i’m confused. do i l ive in a business district?
What about this name for the ‘hood …PEEHI ?
y’know, i sort of like P-hi.
but out of respect for isa, all-knowing as she is, it’ll never be anything but ProHo, at least when coming out of my mouth.
I think we should call it “Little Canarsie”. Shoot, I’m supposed to be cleaning the park.
prochoice not prohos