Unbelievable. Two more reports of the infamous “Panhandler With the Mother Who Has Wrecked Her Car” have surfaced at set speed. Both were originally reported on the Fort Greene Kids Yahoo! Group. The first was “an attempt was trying to con a parent and his/her wailing toddler out of money for the LIRR train home.” The second victim called 911, and “this resulted in about 10 swarming police cars at Waverly and Gates.” Be sure to read the comments for a remarkable discussion on “gaffling.”
Con Man Says Supersize Me [set speed]
The Panhandler with the Mother who has wrecked her car [Susan in the Daily Heights Forum]
Reward for Photographic Evidence of the Panhandler [Daily Heights]
The post FGKids (Yahoo group) that described the con, the 911 call, and the swarming 5-0 was obviously an attempt at humor through hyperbole. The tale recounts an encounter with the con man that threads together bits and pieces of his m.o., taken straight from previous post on FGKids, and then takes a turn for the absurd with the request for $7.50 for a McDonald’s meal and cookies. Would you actually believe that the 77th would send out the cavalry b/c of a 911 call reporting a man asked for $7.50? It was obviously ficticious (and humorous).
Hmm… It made sense the way LTJB described it, but I haven’t seen the original message. Post the source material, please.