ISO a Biscuit in a Sea of Sushi Tatsu?

Send in Your Menus! (And if you know someone who has a local restaurant, point them to this page.)

1. E-mail attachments (or website links) to, or fax to this number.
2. If not obvious, indicate whether the restaurant is (a) located in Prospect Heights or (b) willing to deliver to Prospect Heights (neither is necessary, but this will determine where your menu gets posted). Restaurant owners: please note that including photos, reviews, etc. will increase the chances that we’ll do a write-up or at least take a closer look. People will be able to find your menu on the Bars and Restaurants page, which right now looks like it’s an absolute mess (almost time for sub-pages).

Thanks to Lizzie for the inspiration: “How about a section on take-out and delivery? It could work like the car service section, with comments from the peanut gallery. Perhaps someone out there even has a scanner, and you could post all the menus in the area, so that thereafter, not a one of us would have to sort through stacks of Sushi Tatsu menus screaming “I KNOW there’s a Biscuit menu in here somewhere!!!”

UPDATE: Menus found! Jon Keegan pointed out that this site has about 35 menus for restaurants in the North Flatbush area, including Geido, Biscuit and of course, Sushi Tatsu.

Notice: This work is licensed under a BY-NC-SA. Permalink: ISO a Biscuit in a Sea of Sushi Tatsu?