“Where can I find free kittens?” you may be asking yourself. Good question. As of right now, DAILYHEIGHTS is the seventh most popular place on the Internet to find free kittens.
This is especially remarkable because–if you’re new–this site has nothing to do with kitten giveaways. But that doesn’t matter, because finally, DAILYHEIGHTS has a Corporate Mission Statement: “To become the #1 Internet destination for free kittens, without actually giving away kittens, talking about kittens, or posting any free-kitten-related content.”
[PHOTO: Maloney C, Lichtblau SJ, Karpook N et al. Feline Reactions to Bearded Men. Annals of Improbable Research.]
There are usually free-range kittens on underhill at the bodega near the Chinese restaurant. They are very nice and gave us a kitten a few years ago.
When you start giving away free puppies, come talk to me.