How cool would it be to have something like the Dumbo Art Under the Bridge multi-day festival right here in Prospect Heights? Well, it just may happen, and this weekend, you can help plan it. Atim writes: “I am setting the first Prospect Heights Arts Festival planning meeting for Saturday March 12 at 4pm at Heart of Brooklyn, A Cultural Partnership, 789 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238; 718-638-7700.
The goals of the first meeting are to present and discuss the concept (a 2-day Fall festival designed to identify ProHo as a vibrant center for artists, including filmakers and musicians)
2. Understand what it takes to do it (via the example of Dumbo Arts Festival)
3. Planning and funding issues
4. Support by Commmunity Board 8, Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, Borough President, Council Members and State Senator
5. Non-profit or not?
Can you help? If so, RSVP to Atim at or call 718-638-4288 and leave a message.