From Swastikas to Segregation

Swastika_to_jim_crow_pbsorgThanks to Roy for the tip…

Filmmakers Joel Sucher and Steven Fischler will be at Union Temple (17 Eastern Parkway, 718-638-7600) next Wednesday to show and discuss their 1-hour documentary: "FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW: Jewish Refugee Scholars in the American South."

This film "tells the previously untold story of the many German Jewish professors
who, expelled from their homeland by the Nazis, found new lives and
careers at all-Black colleges and universities in the South.

META tags at reveal that "The story of Black-Jewish relations in the United States is a long and complex one…. Jews were among those who worked to establish the NAACP in 1909. African-American newspapers were among the first in the U.S. to denounce Nazism…. FROM SWASTIKA TO JIM CROW creates hope and reminds us of a time in U.S. history when the two communities came together."

DETAILS: Next Wednesday, March 9; 7 pm. Bring dessert or snacks. FREE. Reservations: or 718-638-7600.

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