MTA to Ratner: YOU'RE BENCHED (free registration required) is reporting that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) "has told the New Jersey Nets to take a seat on the benchThe MTA is too busy trying to work out a complicated deal with the New York Jets for a football stadium atop its rail yards in Manhattan to deal with the basketball team."

PETER KALIKOW (MTA Chairman), speaking at a public
hearing about the Jets stadium late last week: "The Nets deal is absolutely on hold until this finishes." KATHERINE LAPP (MTA Executive Director): "We’ve had no discussions directly with (Bruce Ratner/Forest City Ratner) about the value [of the air rights], what they would purchase, etc."

The article says that "The air-rights value determined for the Jets’ site may serve as a model for the Nets’ project, known as Atlantic Yards."

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